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Everything posted by Ruthar

  1. There are many, many different elastics available, though it might take some hunting around the internet to find both what you are looking for and what is available for local shipping.
  2. I am definitely pleased with the flexible ab mod - makes suiting up and moving around just that much easier. I think all the info you need should be in the link that Kris put up, but don't hesitate to ask questions if you have them!
  3. Congratulations! Looking forward to another excellent year!
  4. Welcome, Dakota! So exciting to start a new costuming adventure! Here is a link to my build thread for the Armory Shop PT I put together. It is by no means definitive, but I hope it will at least show you a few possible methods to the building madness. I definitely recommend starting a build thread of your own once your parts arrive. It is super helpful to watch progress and help you along with any and all questions you may have that way, and it's always a great place to discuss new finds and techniques that you may come up with yourself! And, of course, do not hesitate to reach out with any and all questions that you may have as you go along. Looking forward to your build!
  5. Great stuff! I like your idea with the snaps on the TD - looking forward to seeing that in action!
  6. And, not to derail the rest of the thread, the updates are coming along great!
  7. Now that is a gorgeous dome! Count me on board for that beauty whenever that becomes a thing!
  8. Can't wait to see how that midsection turns out - excellent stuff! :D
  9. Hi, Edo! I had a very similar problem with mine - the size of the helmet really inhibited movement. What I ended up doing is a little unconventional, but it works for me. I put in a whole lot of padding to actually life the helmet up high enough so that I actually look through my cut out teeth instead of the lenses. The front of the helmet was long enough to hide the rest of my head, so it really increased my movement. Vision is not very good, but at least I can move my head more easily and realistically. I have a short neck, so I didn't really find a better option for me - this particular helmet is just a big one!
  10. Awesome awesome, looks great, @Navajo Bro! I haven't yet attached the strap, still waiting for the chicago screws to arrive tomorrow, but here's where it's at. It's super easy to build - just a metal bar with some rank bar pieces. A fun little side project! The lighting is fun with this one, kind of similar to the officer uniforms. It shifts from tan to olive.
  11. Congratulations, @Hask! Great work. Now get out there and give out some Imperial tickets!
  12. Congrats (again)! Good choice with the mesh - will definitely help move some air around up there!
  13. Nice work, good luck with approval!
  14. Nice work! Best of luck with approval - let us know how it goes!
  15. Excellent!
  16. Weird seeing my suit in its older, cleaner state! No, that same text existed when I built mine, too. I don't think the term "matches" necessarily means that "the cutout is exactly the same size" - I would suggest reading it more as "the indent of the abdomen and the indent of the cod piece align" if that makes sense.
  17. I'm not entirely sure I deserve the credit of "upping the game" - more like taking a blind risk! But thank you for that all the same! As a follow-up, I'm a handful of troops in with the suit, and the ab section has held up fine.It doesn't afford a lot of movement due to the ribbing being diagonal and keeping it pretty rigid, but it is easy to slip in and out of. I'm overdue for writing up an update on my own thread about post-build stuff. Thanks for documenting your process here and going into all this detail - it's always appreciated and very helpful for everyone with interest!
  18. Heya, Jochen! I saw exactly what you saw with the Hot Toys figure - the belt boxes have two larger and one smaller on that figure. I came up with some dimensions on my build thread that work for me, so that might help you get a general idea. For what it's worth I think your setup above looks great! As Mickey said, the pieces don't look like much of a match when you have them against one another, but with the belt in between it shouldn't stand out too much. I have the same maker and setup - from certain angles, it looks like it matches fine, such as in the shot below. It isn't an exact mirror, but it works!
  19. Yeah, I think it’s pretty clear that those arm pieces are held on with those Velcro pads. I’ve been wearing my forearms with the Velcro sticking out just a touch to try to match that look, though you really can’t see it unless you’re on the hunt for it. The Armory Shop jacket has that stitching, I just need to see if it’s four or five stitches when I get back home in a few days.
  20. Congratulations! Well done, indeed!
  21. Thanks, everyone!
  22. A fantastic catch! I didn't catch it in the Hot Toys photos I had as they weren't quite close enough to make out that level of detail, but I'm happy to add this cool piece. I used some spare wire in combination with some heatshrink and weathering to get it as close to that reference photo as I could. Here's what the new addition looks like:
  23. Certainly can't wait to see what Walt and crew has in store for all of us!
  24. Ensemble Photographs Front: Back: Left: Right: Details: Poses: Individual Components: Supplemental Photos to show 1) working holster, 2) slight sleeve length adjustment, and 3) slightly lowered abdomen: (Please excuse the poor background - I can definitely suit up for additional photos if these aren't clear enough) Also a photo to show the mesh behind the helmet teeth: Thank you for your time and consideration!
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