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501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by Hikuro1983

  1. Good luck to you both. I rounded the corners on mine, subtle, felt better too lemme tell ya. Didn't like them poking my biceps at all.
  2. It's not 100%, his instructions are a bit dated, for instance use 1 rivet on each end of your belt, not 2 like his instructions state. Also I believe some of his strapping is a bit off I can't remember which but I had to buy a couple different widths worth to get mine right. But all of that info you'll need is available here and on the CRL so pay attention to it. However the parts he gives you are acceptable. I do have a build thread present for my suit and there's several others doing SC's as well.
  3. mine is a SC kit, I'm 5'9 at 250 pounds, pretty big guy. I got it to work just fine.
  4. I'd probably go with Chopper's route as well, I suffer the same problem. My cod strap should be about 2 inches longer but for now it'll work since it doesn't feel uncomfortable or to loose. Down the line when I don't have a stack of costumes in the works I'll touch that portion up.
  5. Looks like a Studio Creations kit I take it? At this point I’d almost would recommend a flat file to do some edge work on that visor, you can kind of still see the line definition on where to cut. or very gently with fine sand paper wrapped around a popsicle stick to keep it level. I did a lot of work on mine until I was pretty happy with the result. But you got a good result so far.
  6. Try getting an Imgur account, that’s what I use to show progress pics and do my approvals. It’ll give you all the coding you’ll need to embed or direct link or whatever you’ll need when you want to post stuff.
  7. Finally heard back, I'm officially TB-81983.
  8. Alright, got the clips mounted with a rivet each. Seems to work out just fine. I did one last troop before resubmitting to work out any last kinks. I had to do a new curve double stitch on the cod and fixed the shoulder straps as they kept snapping off. I'm feeling way more confident that this is going to pass this time.
  9. interesting. now that I see it that way I can now pick it out in the crl model, okay that makes things easier. I couldn't get that part done today but got something kind of temporary for tomorrow morning for another test wear. When I get home I'll get those clips mounted and I gotta fix the curved double stitch on the cod, it's way way to far down, so far down you can't even see it. I didn't even realize it until I sat down and weathered my cummerbund a bit to make it more consistent with the rest of the suit. I think after tomorrow I'll get that repaired and try to do the submission one last time so I can get this thing packed back up before I move.
  10. Alright so got my clips and been trying to get them on my belt but they’re just so dig into the cavity of my thermal box that it’s hard to get them clipped to my belt. Could someone send reference images of how they got their secured? I almost feel like I need some spacer to push it further forward but I dunno. I’m sure there’s a simple solution and I’m just not seeing it!
  11. Photos got submitted, I’m positive I’ll have corrections as it’s tradition for me but won’t know until I hear back. Hopefully nothing with the cummerbund it can’t take another alteration.
  12. Thanks! I’ll get those in order tonight to bad they won’t arrive for this weekend so I’ll have to be careful.
  13. Good to know. We’re just about done with the corrections but forgot, the plastic clips for belt placement for my detonator are stressed and will eventually break. Any quick recommendations to replace them?
  14. Super close! Today was a field test, had 2 mishaps both easily fixable, and the rest is adjusting. Today we were doing a christmas event so i decked out in a small string of lights donated by a fellow garrison mate. First adjustment is raising the vest's bottom up about .5 to .75 inches all around to help keep that cummerbund in proper position and to keep the chest from pulling back and exposing the vest. It's superficial but I'm sure that'll go against my judging. Another adjustment is the cod piece, it's to wide to the point it folds like well rather not say but you can get the point! We're gonna rip it out and trim it down an inch or two. Other than that,I had fun, the only mishaps I had was the belt falling straight down but luckily that was behind closed doors, and the thermal det. pack has a nearly broken belt clasp so I'll need to replace that! But if I fix the vest and cod piece I think I'll be pretty much ready for my approvals.
  15. After a lot of debating I decided not to sell the SC armor. I went back at it, hard core just recently as we're going to have a big christmas troop tomorrow and I wanted to get it done. I went over all my parts for this entire week and made corrections here and there, realizing that the belt needed 1 rivet on each side not 2 so I had to cut some ABS plastic and melt it down to plug the holes. Then I went over the cummerbund and vest and really sized it the heck down, I must of trimmed off 6 or so more inches and even made brand new pockets reusing the material that was already made up....I mean they were so big I made extra! Added a strong magnet on my holster and hold out blaster to keep it nice and secure during my walk and to snap in place when I want to holster the blaster. Turned out really well! In the end, I decided I wanted to be a scout with some experience under my belt, so I dirtied the snot out of it as well! everything, head to toe is weathered to give that well ridden look. After I did some adjustments, just enough to make tomorrow work, I went outside and did a walk, scaring a dog walker and about 5 cars slowed down to get a look at me. My ringdoor bell camera caught me looking at it....
  16. I think Luke will be pretty happy to get another ST into the fold so looks like you're just about there.
  17. It’s kind of everything, coveralls, vest and cummerbund are adding more layers thus stretching the top armor. It’s also difficult to adjust the positioning where it needs to rest. I can’t see it very well
  18. okay so busted butt today hoping I was gonna make some headway but...well here look: The armor has to come further down, it just doesn't fit right being so high up like I'm being advised it really just doesn't work. But if I lower it down I have to make the loops bridging the two parts longer as well, right now I'm at 3 inches connecting 2 1.5 inch pieces of cotton webbing. Suggestions? Also, I adjusted the the cummerbund so it'll go up higher, but the problem is stemming a bit from the vest but the armor is mostly just to high up on my chest.
  19. actually t bits are glued onto the armor, and the wire adds extra security imo. progress has been slow and painful. After getting most of my undersuit I did a test fitting and saw a lot of things needed to be adjusted. The cotton shoulder bridges needed to be doubled in width as the armor kept poking out, the cummerbund was far to high and way way to wide so it's getting trimmed down by 50%, and my pouches are far to large so they'll need to be unstitched, trimmed and resewn. The flight suit coveralls are 80% done. I have my crotch area, collar finished and sewn the side pockets shut. but need to patch up the back a bit and add in the butt flap. I'm heading out today to get suspenders for my cummerbund to keep it up better.....dunno if I'll get much done after that.
  20. that works out, gives me a good idea where the placement needs to be and the shape. now the issue is getting off my butt and doing it.
  21. I read it, it just didn't help me so much in knowing the basic shape at all which was what I needed. And THAT is what I kind of wanted. Finding out the basic shape.
  22. gotta wonder if that's just an error in the pull or not....I've talked with the previous owner about this too that we both agreed the pull he got was not great. Curious to know if others had similar issues or not with theirs when they received their 850 kit. If that were the case then I better just hold onto my current forearms I printed.
  23. I'm having some issues getting this particular bit figured out for my coveralls as it's pretty much the final step I need to finish. Is there any kind of pattern to go off of on this thing or what?
  24. I actually have a question about this, I'm seeing some images of fellow scouts where there's some kind of a flap above the pouches while others have no flap...what purpose would that serve? Also, the pouches location, should it be at the edge of the top of the cummerbund or should it be a few inches lower? Mine is incredibly large and going to need to shorten the height and width but I"m also worried that if I bend down slightly I'm gonna get all tucked out....would it be appropriate to have the top of the cummerbund under my torso/back armor an inch or two and velcroed into place to secure it? If that makes any sense.
  25. Ah were you the one who bought jeremie's kit?
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