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mr paul

PFD Recruit
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Everything posted by mr paul

  1. Progress on the shoulder buckle. Look forward to switch out the old set for the upgrade. Shoulder straps are going as and a screen accurate set on the way. Need to look at the rear strap housing too.
  2. A lovely observation from Jan Thelen pointing out the little step under the back box. Something I will be adding to my kit when I revise my back armour.
  3. The bottom bar of the vent in the back boxes is deeper than the top bar so mine needs fattening up a little.
  4. With regards to the sizing of the hip armour and the adjustments I made yesterday i.e. slicing some of the bottom off, It was because I was using the magazine pouch for a size reference. Now when I hold the pouch in a position that matches a screen used suit the shape of the armour skirt around the pouch also matches. I am happy it is close enough.
  5. Picture of the screen used on the left and mine on the right. The screen used belt set up is lifted a little in the pic as the mannequin stand is pushing the belt and armour skirt upwards. Also the picture of my set up is before I had removed a little depth from the skirt towards the front.
  6. The armoured skirt was too deep by about 11mm. It looks ok in the pics below but it was not correctly measuring up against the magazine pouch and the long box and so was bugging the poop out of me. These pics show it before it was adjusted. The last pic shows the new paper template laid over the top of the armour and where it needs to be shortened. A sliver was also removed from the front edge to bring the bottom corner into line. As well as the sizing issue I also took a heat gun to it and slightly altered the curve of it. It was all a success. Pics will follow over the weekend.
  7. A great picture from the new book "Beyond The Armour" showing how the Coastal Defense Stormtroopers were weathered. Cheer up buddy. Only 30 more to do!
  8. Quick 360 of the shurtzen before I kick the crap out of it.
  9. Throwing some colour on the hip armour.
  10. Now that everything is where it should be I am adding some texture to the hip armour to tie it in with what was seen at Celebration Europe last year. It helps to disguise the Kydex as well and give it s bit of used and abused look once it painted. As before I am using high density acrylic modelling paste.
  11. Comparison shots. Bare in mind the hip armour is on a mannequin. When I wear the armour it spreads out a little making it flair off the hip.
  12. I think the hip armour is now where it needs to be. Its rigid but soft enough to move in. It has the downward slant to the front. It holds the right shape as it curves around the waist and the greeblies and the oiler pouch have there place on the back albeit the cylinders are a little too high up at the moment (an easy fix of just mounting them a little lower) The rear is held in place by a single popper on the back of the belts slider buckle. I decided against using 2 poppers on the front and opted to use velcro as this holds it closer to the armour on this particular kit. Pleased with it so far. The next step is to add the texture, paint then weather it up to match the rest of it.
  13. This is a close up from the Walmart commercial that features a Shoretrooper climbing up the side of an AC-ACT. It shows what appears to the leather strap of the ammo pouch attached to a point higher than top edge of the ab armour. B clearly shows the leather strap looping through an attachment point, folding over and fastening back on itself. A possibly reveals a D-ring/slider through which the ammo pouch strap is threaded through. I will be replicating something similar on my kit to achieve the correct hang and positioning of the pouch.
  14. A snap fastener has been added to the inside of the slider buckle of the belt ready for the back of the hip armour to attach to.
  15. The return edge around the arms has now been reduced. The plastazote back and front has been glued into place. The back armour connects under the arm to the chest with velcro in a similar fashion to the screen used suits. The ammo pouch hangs in the correct position from the slider buckle fastened to the rear right suspender.
  16. Chopped out the aperture on the font left of the chest as the BSP was a bit of a soft pull. Using a scalpel and dremel I have removed the old piece and backed it with black ABS.
  17. Re-shaped the cut out on my BSP biceps. A lot happier with them.
  18. Comparison shot of my weathering next to a screen used shin. It is a lot more tuned in and I am looking forward to it becoming increasingly damaged through actual usage as I troop in my armour.
  19. Making progress with the revised hip armour. This shape looks to be a lot better for what is needed on the grunt/captain.
  20. I am still breaking down the kit. Adding and removing grime from here and there. Hopefully it is looking more convincing as it progresses. Regarding the screen used suits it is interesting how the weathering pops in some lighting and looks more washed out in other shots. I am trying to find the right balance with the dirt and marks on the armour. It is a fine balance between heavy handed and not enough however these coastal defender stormtroopers are dirty buggers.
  21. The problem with my current hip armour is that the bottom edge of it is parallel to the floor and it looks more like a mini skirt. I have changed the angle on the front bottom corner and gave it some more depth at the front. This has improved the overall shape and slant a great deal. As the materials are quite expensive I have made a dummy from cardboard to cut down the chance of error when I make the final pieces. It needs to look less like saddle bags and more like a fierce, Samurai armoured skirt.
  22. I have been lucky enough to have met the talented Germain Graziano and together with Stoo Collins and myself we have hopefully created a very nice looking shoulder buckle for the Shoretrooper. This has been a part of the kit that has bugged me since last year and I think I am finally getting closer to seeing an accurate set being produced. Here is a teaser of what we have been working on.
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