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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by haui

  1. Nice and yes it is very easy with elcos weapon.
  2. I got my e22 from 3dPropsNl and now 2 e11. I got one as kit and one complet build and weathred. I will add Light and Sound in both Here the Pics of the comlete blaster fromProps-NL: http:\\www.haui.eu/userfiles/images/e11_3dprops/e11_komplett2.jpg http:\\www.haui.eu/userfiles/images/e11_3dprops/e11_komplett3.jpg And here the Kit, it is a 3d Print and i thnik you will need about 1 hour for smoothing http:\\www.haui.eu/userfiles/images/e11_3dprops/e11_teile1.jpg http:\\www.haui.eu/userfiles/images/e11_3dprops/e11_teile2.jpg http:\\www.haui.eu/userfiles/images/e11_3dprops/foldingstock_parts1.jpg http:\\www.haui.eu/userfiles/images/e11_3dprops/foldingstock_parts2.jpg Building the scope http:\\www.haui.eu/userfiles/images/e11_3dprops/e11_scope.jpg And Weathering Drilling al openings for the wires http:\\www.haui.eu/userfiles/images/e11_3dprops/e11_holes1.jpg http:\\www.haui.eu/userfiles/images/e11_3dprops/e11_holes2.jpg Here the batterie-clip which i have attached to the endcap http:\\www.haui.eu/userfiles/images/e11_3dprops/e11_batteriehalter.jpg Now the Trigger. The Kit is ready for installing a micro-Switch. The Spring is from a ballpen http:\\www.haui.eu/userfiles/images/e11_3dprops/e11_trigger1.jpg http:\\www.haui.eu/userfiles/images/e11_3dprops/e11_trigger2.jpg http:\\www.haui.eu/userfiles/images/e11_3dprops/e11_trigger3.jpg http:\\www.haui.eu/userfiles/images/e11_3dprops/e11_trigger4.jpg The On7Off switch haui.eu/userfiles/images/e11_3dprops/e11_on_off1.jpg The Selector / Reload-Button http:\\www.haui.eu/userfiles/images/e11_3dprops/e11_selector_button.jpg The arduino will be placed in the tube The MP3 Player in the Magazin The Hengstler is the place for the speaker and a bar-graph. http:\\www.haui.eu/userfiles/images/e11_3dprops/e11_hengstler_speaker.jpg http:\\www.haui.eu/userfiles/images/e11_3dprops/hengstler_3leds.jpg http:\\www.haui.eu/userfiles/images/e11_3dprops/hengstler_barspeaker.jpg Hengstler is ready but not glued complete http:\\www.haui.eu/userfiles/images/e11_3dprops/hengstler_zu.jpg Mounting the hengstler to the blaster http:\\www.haui.eu/userfiles/images/e11_3dprops/hengstler_montiert.jpg Here the MP3 Player http:\\www.haui.eu/userfiles/images/e11_3dprops/mp3_magazin.jpg The Red and blue LED's are glued to the front. http:\\www.haui.eu/userfiles/images/e11_3dprops/led_frontteil.jpg Soldering all wired to the arduino http:\\www.haui.eu/userfiles/images/e11_3dprops/ardunio_verdrahtet.jpg More Pics here http://haui.eu/?Star...ster_3dProps-NL
  3. That sound good. My friends and i bought four e22 from him and the quality was top.
  4. i have the Version V1 and it is a absolute great kit. Now he made some Improvements to the Size, Weight and details and my opinion is it is the best kit on the Market
  5. From Head they cost 5 Euro's
  6. I ordered my e22 here https://www.facebook.com/3DPropsNL/
  7. Another Scope rail, no holes in the barrel,
  8. when you order it as kit i think you sould have no problem
  9. it is from https://www.facebook.com/3DPropsNL/ and that's the best one i have seen. Great details, top quality i got the parts, did some smooting and screwed them together, ready :-) The weight is apr. 4 kg !!!!!
  10. But what is a blaster without light and sound BOOOOOORING here some litte videos of my blaster-mod with ligt and sound. everything is controlled by pressing the fire-button. Shortpress: fire 3 sec press falshlight on 4 sec press Scope on. then i have a second button to select the different blaster sounds and to switch to mp3 to play Star Wars music :-) the red "window" fading http://haui.eu/userfiles/media/e22/blaster_fade.mov turninig on and off the flashlight http://haui.eu/userfiles/media/e22/blaster_lampe.mov turning ob and off the scope http://haui.eu/userfiles/media/e22/blaster_scope.mov fire the blaster in different modes http://haui.eu/userfiles/media/e22/blaster_fire1.mov
  11. Here the Pics of my e22 Parts assembled and ready to paint and here the result: i will add some details in metallic. The weathing will be done by trooping !
  12. Nice work and great result
  13. do you also sell pars of these or only the complete thing?
  14. Why do you make the 3 Parts from ABS? Make the armor plain and the parts from resin. it looks better and it is like the original. I do not understand why every armor maker makes this mistake.
  15. That's von Jim is nice but not accurate
  16. You have to do it by your own
  17. Thats funny i did it in the same way In Germany you can use a 70mm Pipe
  18. Here with my pattern The 2 Straps are missing :-)
  19. here my new drawing:
  20. Yes i was first the opinion it is no barrel but now i see i was wrong :-(
  21. The inside? Like the backside? Yes :-)
  22. Hi nice work, can you post a pic from the inside? I think the Shape looks good but the size is not correct i think.
  23. As you can see in the first Post i changed the layout. You are right with the 2 length :-)
  24. Hi Netslave i think i know what you are talking from but i can not open your Pic
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