Thanks Arminius and BikerScout007!!
Hi Wraithinthenight, so glad to see that you have an interest in joining the Detachment. All of the links that Arminius provided are great resources and I recommend that you follow up within each of them for great advice on the Legion, the Detachment recommendations, and to establish Bluegrass Garrison contacts to draw a wealth of knowledge and support from when you are ready to build. I would add a resource to his list at this point for you at the Bluegrass Garrison Academy , . At this site we have open build and skills conversations for WIP costumes, another great resource for your research and support locally.
Can I ask which Pathfinder Costume you are looking to construct in the future? The Bluegrass Garrison has a wealth of experience to tap into to help you when you are ready to start. Also, where in the Commonwealth are you located? I could put you in touch with Squad Leaders and/or with local members that can provide additional support with your build and keep you up to date on local-to-you armor parties; something that I would highly recommend you attend for the connections and an additional resources..
Thanks again for your interest and I am looking forward to seeing you at a event locally.