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Everything posted by Spanky101

  1. Your thermal detonator looks great from the back. For what it's worth, if you are still looking for a great looking blaster for less money than most charge, then check out Max`s Sci-fi. I am pretty sure you can`t find a better one for that price. They can found on FB. Looking good so far, keep it going!
  2. Thanks Griffin-X, I saw your old thread and I just wanted to start a new one to see if it or the maker could be tracked down? Not trying to beat a dead horse as it were...Do you or Marcel know who made it or where it came from originally? Any leads or ideas on where to source this? I know you said you received it from a guy that is long gone from the forum, but let me know if you can add anything? I contacted tb 21210, whom was building one himself, so if I hear anything from him or the guy on the Galactic Senate forum that had one, I will update here. Thanks in advance... ps - is Marcel a prop maker? I have saw his name referred to in relation to other blaster builds? My apologies, new to the forums.
  3. I found two more, it was from 2 guys on a chat in Singapore. No indication as to where they got it? It was a site called the Galactic Senate. I signed up and when I get permission to chat, I will contact the thread starter and see what I can see. No indication as to where they got it? I will update as I find out, should anyone else care to locate this weapon. I really like how the sling is set up, just as in the concept art picture.
  4. I know there was another thread about this, but since it was about a year old, I thought I would start a new one... I found this on yourprops.com. Unfortunately the link to contact the owner was dead and his ebay store was no longer up, so not sure if there is anyway to contact him to see where he got it oir who made it? Wondering if anyone made one or they know of one? I'd love to attempt this myself, however when it comes to arts and crafts I am pretty much retarded. It would be great to have one...
  5. Makes perfect sense. It does appear that there are a few discrepancies with biker scouts alone, but you're right, not the sort of thing important enough that would or should be covered here. Thanks for the clarification none the less, because it was bugging me...
  6. If you look hard enough at the distinguishing paint marks on some of the Scouts, you can see they used the same guys that had already died previously. I mean I know they do this on all movies for the like dressed soldiers. Is there a forum on here where they discuss the various discrepencies in the Star wars movies? I like to see where they make mistakes? Like having an Airplane in the background of a movie set 500 years ago and such. I am guessing that as fanatical as Star Wars fans are, there must be sites that go frame by frame? Just wondered if we did on here?
  7. Thanks for clearing that up Stasz, I wondered if they maybe did that when I first came across the scene, but then I thought why would they even bother to shoot a scene backwards? I know in the edit room they cut and paste, but it just didn't make sense, so I dismissed it. Since it was shot in the early 80's, that certainly does make sense. It was bugging me, like an itch you couldn't scratch,so I had to ask. Thanks mate!
  8. If this topic has been broached, my apologies... While running through ROTJ again, as I have many times, I noticed that not all biker scouts have the rectangle on the right side, as well as the rank stripes not always being on the right? Right after Han Solo steps on the twig and gets bikerslapped, the Biker Scout that gets sent for help clearly has the rectangle over the left chest plate and has his rank insignia the left side of his tank? Like I said, I am sure that it has been brought up by someone somewhere, but if the point of the CRL's is to have authentic suits, wouldn't this by its very definition be authentic? I am sure that whoever drafted the uniform rules did it to maintain uniformity, but I just wondered why those 2 rules wouldn't be optional? I am sure there are more discrepancies that I have missed? I am not trying to take the piss, but I find that I have to ask?
  9. Looks great BF, can't wait to see the finished product! Well done!
  10. I am new and I get most of the initials for the several types of helmets or looked them up, SC LW...etc., but I don't know what MLC stands for or where to check them out in more detail? I am sure this is covered elsewhere, but I have yet to find it? I appreciate the help... ps - Thread title should read MLC, my apologies, fat fingers what can I say.
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