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Everything posted by Spanky101

  1. Hey Mike, looking great buddy! You are doing a way better job than I could have ever done. Keep up the good work, I will be following with interest. Hopefully I'll see you on a cross border troop some time in the future. Keep up the great build, all the best!
  2. I used a dremel to put a guide hole in to start the screw. Less likely to crack it and it goes in the right spot.
  3. I actually ordered from EF originally, but after a month of waiting and then finding I had to wait another month to receive them, I kindly received a refund and ordered the Imperial Boots gloves. I got them in just over 2 weeks and before the EF gloves became available. I understand EF has them in stock now, but that was my experience. They both look the same really, but I agree with Pat, as they are super accurate and comfortable. I have really wide hands and generally have to order xxl gloves to get the right fit, but the IB xl's fit quite nicely. So if you have big hands, I recommend IB's.
  4. I am so doing it this way! Thanks for the tip, cheers mate!
  5. A day late and a dollar short! I wish I would have held off, cause I would have ordered yours first. Will you definitely be making the leather to order in the near future? Cause I might just have to order a pair, keep the other as backup. Looks great, love your attention to detail.
  6. Awesome pics Terry! Be great to hear how you set it all up? Where did you do it at? I always thought the UBC Endowment Lands would be a great place to do a live action shot? Or even Stanley Park? There are some huge trees out in each of them.
  7. That is a great idea! I am just awaiting the arrival of my kit at the end of the month. I am definitely going to do it this way. Thank you!
  8. My apologies Terry, I wasn't clear. I have read your build thread several times. I wanted to know if you had done the weathering for the Scout boots? I want to make them look like they've been worn and weathered, so I wondered if you had done any before? Again, my fault, I did not explain myself properly. Thanks for the link none the less. If your guys in the garrison decide to have an armour party in the near future and my Altmann's arrives, I hope to be invited. Then I can pick your brain about the weathering in person. Plus, I can't wait to see your speeder bike...
  9. Looking forward to seeing exactly how you apply the paint to the helmet and armour. I saw your video where you stated you used burnt umber and black. Looking forward to seeing how it all goes on. I imagine this will be similar to how you did your Sandtrooper armour? I'm sorry if you've covered this already, but have you done the Scout boots before? I have the Sideshow 1/6 Scout and Speeder bike, I want to make my boots match those that are on the Scout. Not really sure how to go about it? Have you done boots anywhere on here and would they be done in much the same way as other armour? As always, thanks for your guidance and keep up the great build! I hope you don't mind that I added your completed SC helmet build link off Youtube? I figured it would be ok, since you put it up on another thread here. It should be pinned for posterity and people need to see how nice a helmet can look when it's done right...imho that is. Thanks Terry!
  10. That is a great find, does anyone else have some pics of what they did to get this to work? I would think that if you used 2 zip ties side by side that might work? Also, you could you another zip tie on the opposite end(female) and glue it into place and slide the male end into it. Once you have the length you like you could glue it or melt it(them, if use 2 for strength and stability) into place. I thought I saw some industrial sized zip ties that they use for holding cables or bundles of wires into place? I found this one below? They have several options on the website. But with a metal cable going through the middle, it would be sturdy enough to last far longer than you might be wearing it? Plus the T-flared end would allow for better gluing. Great find though. I am just awaiting my armour and helmet to arrive and this will help when I get started. Many thanks Mickey! https://www.grainger...29_AS01?smthumb$
  11. I just received my WW gloves. I normally wear a XXL and these feel more like a L? I am going to have to cut out the excessive padding in the gloves to make them fit. No complaints about the quality of the gloves, they are a nice pair, but they really need to consider updating the sizing of these gloves? I picked up a pair of SA gloves off another member in an XL and they fit like a XL. So atleast I will have one pair that fits properly...
  12. My pleasure Zach! If you should decide to start a build thread, and I highly advise you to...the amount of respect and assistance you will get for building a kit from scratch will see you through to completion in no time. Cheers Aaron! That is nice of you to say mate, just trying to pay it forward...
  13. I was exactly where you are about 3 weeks ago...here's what i've learnt. I just ordered my armour and helmet from Spike/Steve, he makes the Altmann's. I chose his, because he answered my replies immediately and because he makes armour that is a little bigger than most other armourers. If you are a bigger guy, as in the 6ft plus size build then this might be more suited for you, but you can make your own judgements. Have a look at his thread below for what I mean.There is a wait time from when you order to when you receive it, but he is very upfront about it. His helmets are considered one of the best out there, but that said, you get what you pay for. If you are on a tight budget, then you might want to look around or get a kit you can build yourself. Most, if not all suppliers have the helmet kits you build yourself. Spike's below. http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=14282 I don't have much experience with SC, but his armour and helmets are probably the most popular in use. He has surplus stock so you will get your armour right away. If you have DIY skills, then you are best to buy the armour and helmet kits (from whoever) and scratch build it yourself. There are a ton of build threads and all you have to do is ask on the forum and you will get a bunch of helpful replies. This site thrives on people helping people. It should be mentioned that Pandatroopers build thread might be the best there is in building your kit from scratch his thread has over 40,000 views, which tells you just how well it is received. It will be my and many others go to thread when starting our builds. Panda's below. http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=9781 You can also try Chef on this forum, he does both helmets and armour. Keep in mind he is also very busy completing orders, but his armour and helmets are considered very good as well. And his website is also really helpful for builds. I will be using his guide as well. Chef's below. http://kgbairsoft.com/wordpress/?page_id=122 I would advise you not to buy off Ebay or any other sellers not from here, unless you have had a chance to ask about them here first, as you have already done with Far Away Creations. There are other suppliers, like KS, but from my understanding, his helmet requires some work in order to pass and become a Pathfinder, but there are a lot of people who have his helmets and there are several threads to help you do the upgrades. Just make sure you really do your homework, which you seem well on your way to already doing. Good luck! My 2 cents, hope that is is somewhat helpful...
  14. So I found the Efx helmet for pre-order on 2 other sites. One lists September as possible ship date, the other lists December? Clearly they are getting different reports or as just in the dark as everyone else is? I pre-ordered 2 just in case. If either ends up shipping, one to display and one to troop in? But more than likely, one to keep in box for safekeeping and one to display. Sooo jealous of jkno's RS...I wish I would have got in on that helmet. The weathered look is classic and far superior to the standard white imho. ps - I just received an email from the 1 store, their December update was for last year, they have no idea how long it will take either...
  15. That is one beautiful helmet mate! You have the 2 best helmets made by all accounts...
  16. Sorry to hear that mate. I just can't even wrap my head around having to wait for an item I ordered over 2 years ago!?? Muchless dealing with tw@ts who keep changing the shipping dates and who can't seem to answer most of their customers valid queries on when and if they will ever get said helmets? My sympathies from a fellow Canadian. If your helmet should ever arrive before you start wearing diapers for real, please let me know what you think about it? I am anxious to see if they are uniform/troop wearing worthy and if you think they are as nice as they claim to be? If you are not struck blind by it's actual arrival, please do post some pictures of your "preciousss." Take care Andry, thanks again for your time and assistance in answering my earlier questions about garrisons, armour and such! I really do hope your helmet arrives soon, as your wait time just boggles the mind!?
  17. I wasn't only suggesting it be put in the Vendor Problem list, I also suggested an alternative. If you don't think it should go in the Vendor Problem list, then ok, I understand. But how about putting it under the Helmet listing as just a heads up for for people to do their research before buying from any and all helmet vendors? As I said, it does not have to name any company. I just thought it is something that new people like myself or the first time helmet buyers might like to know before putting down a fair amount of money and expecting to get what they pay for in a timely and professional time frame? And as I suggested, perhaps get the opinions of those more knowledgable and that have been dealing with it for a long time? If you and everyone else does not think it is worthwhile and logical solution, then I am happy to let it go. I just thought it was an important enough matter and that enough people had been affected negatively to voice a helpful solution. Like I said, just my 2 cents...you can simply choose to ignore it or offer another solution, it was nothing more than my opinion. If someone has a better one, then I am more than good with whatever helps this type of situation not happen again, to so many people.
  18. Oh, ok...as long as you are happy with it. Ok, well how about pinning a warning or just a recommendation about ordering helmets? It doesn't even have to name them. Just a brief paragraph letting people know that there have been some very long waiting times, sometimes years. The slow and often poor customer service in relation to answering emails or responding to queries. The problems involved in getting refunds. That they should do their due diligence before ordering a helmet and research them and the companies they are ordering from. I never said or implied that the quality of their helmets was in question, just their business practices. Perhaps you should put it to vote? Again just my 2 cents, as I just ordered one and I haven't endured anything near to what many of you have. But I am guessing a lot of people who did order these helmets, including yourself, would have liked a bit of information about what they might have to go through to get these special order helmets prior to ordering them?
  19. So Yorkie Fett, knowing what you know now, is the helmet worth it? It sounds like you are somewhat happy with it, but if you could go back knowing the ordeal you and everyone else endured to get it, would you have ordered it? Would you ever consider ordering from them again? I wouldn't wear it for trooping, but would it even be possible or is it to thin? Thanks for sharing your experiences, however painful they may have been. I get that there is going to be some delays with these high end helmets, but there had to be a point where the company realized enough is enough and either hired some extra staff to complete them or threw some money at the problems in order to get them fixed(hired more customer service reps or a proper consulting firm or individuals that help companies deal with these types of issues)...in other words, whatever it took to get them out(and still get them out apparently). And I mean that for both of these companies. No chance that they lost money on these helmets, so the least they could have done was acted like they cared enough about taking people's hard earned money? I have never in my retail experience heard of anything remotely like the situation. And certainly not one as badly handled as by these 2 companies. You'd have better odds waiting on an Organ Donor's list, than you would in getting these helmets in a timely fashion. They have the single biggest captive audience of buyers for the Scout helmets on this forum, I don't know the percentage of buyers that are members of this forum, but it has to be substantial, no? What better way to show them that it is unacceptable, than to put them on the Vendor Problem list? If nothing else, there should be a warning to new members so they at least know what to expect? That way in the future, if they add another wave, people are aware of what they are getting into and can ask the hard questions to these companies before putting their money down. If I hadn't come here and done my research and learned from your many experiences dealing with both Rs and Efx, I would have had no clue about all these many, many problems? It will give everyone a reference point of the problems involved, both with the time frame and the deplorable customer service. Regardless of whether they advertised here or not, there should be something done. As I said, this is their single biggest customer base, has to be. Shouldn't this be something everyone on this forum, both now and in the future, be made aware of? Just my 2 cents, for what it is worth. Maybe you guys that have been waiting for a year or 2 can chime in???
  20. Ok, thanks. Seems both RS and Efx don't have a very good line of communication with their customers. I see your list of helmets Grendel-Blitz. I am curious as to which order you'd rate them? Who wins out of Rs and Efx in your opinion? In case the list is not be fully received, but only ordered, disregard. I guess I will just wait and see whether it shows up, like everyone else is? I just hope it will be worth it?
  21. I found the efx thread! Finally...ok. So, stendec, did you order yours from an online collectibles store too? I ordered one just recently and was wondering if anyone else received their helmets that ordered online as well? Any updates on the efx biker scout helmets from any of you people from this thread?
  22. RPF = Replica Prop Forum http://www.therpf.com/ Legend Scout can only be ordered directly from EFX site, but not sure if available anymore Like This Collecting has the permanence of herpes, it mutates but do Alrighty, didn't think I found the right site the first time. Thanks jkno. I have came to this site by hitting a link, but never actually knew the name. I typed Star Wars RP forums and the role playing site came up? If you have a chance to check out the role playing site, you will see a whole other level of dedication to the Star Wars universe. All I can say is wow and not in a good way...a really scarey kinda way! But that's just my opinion. Ok, found the right one, many thanks jkno!
  23. Hey Torm, nice to see a fellow Vancouverite on the forum! You might do this too, I don't know? But being as close as we are to the US, I have an address in Point Roberts, WA., that I use, to not get dinged by shipping or customs from orders originating from the US. You do that too? With shipping for the LE, yes, it will be a touch over a grand if it ships. To me, worth it for a rare piece such as these. I think the likelihood of them shipping a kit is zero and nil, due to the fact that it would be easier for re-casters to steal their forms and use them. One would be much less likely to tear apart a complete helmet and use the molds to make new one, then would they with a kit. Imo. And as You and many before have said, they have had enough of a nightmare with these, to ever want to sell them again. Saying that, I would absolutely want one...if I could wait another 2 years or so.
  24. Thanks for the replies, Yorkie Fett, I can totally understand you being extremely pissed about the responses and wait time. I can't even imagine waiting as long as some of you guys and to be honest, I couldn't say if I would have asked for a refund or waited for one to arrive. What is clear, is that I wouldn't be ordering anything from RS again. Efx I have no reference for, as of yet. As for the RPF thread, there are so many acronyms on this forum, one needs a dictionary of acronyms to keep up???! Seriously, the acronyms for the helmets was hard enough...ok, sorry...small rant...so I assume and correct me if I am wrong, but that one RPF is a Star Wars role playing forum? I went there and was immediately frightened just trying to locate the thread(of which I was unable to), mostly for the content or maybe more so for just how intense this Star Wars Universe can get? I am not trying to be judgemental or anything, as I am a firm believe of live and let live, but some of those threads were down right psychologically terrifying, with just how far some people go into a lifestyle!? Sorry, back on topic. I went and had a look last night, after I put up this thread, on some of the collectible stores that carried efx items. I found one that I had ordered stuff from before, that had a pre-order LE Biker Scout helmet for sale for 699.00 US(they all listed right around 699.00 for the helmet). That was one of a handful that I was able to find. So I ordered it and they took my credit card info and the best part was, they don't charge you for it until the item arrives. I figured this was a win-win because they didn't charge me until my last item arrived in store, so I know they won't until this does...if it ever does??? And I guess that is why I am asking? What is the likelihood of them getting it? So when I made the pre-order, they immediately listed the helmet as sold out, so they were obviously allocated just 1 and weren't just fishing like some of them do. Of the few stores that I was able to buy the helmet or found the helmet, a couple were already sold out and of the pre-orders(they were all pre-orders), 2 said they would ship in the 3rd quarter of 2016 and 2 said that it would be shipped in August of 2016? It would be great to get this helmet or the RS one, however I am under no illusions that I might either not get it or if I do get it, will be waiting for it for what might be way longer than expected amount of time. In response to jkno, I have only found the LE versions, I wish the Legend's were available, but I have not as of yet been able to locate that version for sale. Not sure if I would wear this helmet or either helmet, I think for that price and the likelihood of it only increasing in value in its unworn, unaltered form...that it would be better to just keep it safe in a display. I am certainly not wanting one for resale, I only want one of these for its display purposes. Sorry for the long reply, but I have to say that I am glad I found one now, rather than being in the situation of waiting months to years for it to arrive. I always assume the worst and if the best happens, I am that much happier, if it doesn't I had no expectations it would. So we'll see what we see about even getting one? For those that have been waiting, I could feel your anger reading that RS thread, how many delays and false deadlines can a company give? They should have zero credibility with anyone by now. And I know efx is likely no better, but as I have said, I don't really expect to get it. Anyone have a link to a thread about the efx helmet or complaints, as I said I could not locate the RPF thread? And I can not find anything anywhere else so far. Thanks for the replies.
  25. Hi, I am rather new to this forum and having read the RS thread, I am wondering if anyone ordered the efx helmet and if they had received them? Or what the waiting time was on that helmet? I see they took orders for them 2 years ago on their site, but not sure if they were for an earlier wave or if they are worse at getting helmets out then RS is? Anyone order one and still waiting? Did anyone receive one? Are there pictures on the forum? I was unable to find any threads on it, but perhaps I just can't find it? The reason I ask is because some of the collectible stores have them on pre-order and list August as the ship date? I am thinking that this may be just the same tactic RS uses when they wanted to shine paying customers on? I considered ordering one, but I have no idea if it would be worth it? Are they considered as bad or worse than RS or pretty much the same? I am asking more about the way they treat their customers, than their quality products. I am sure the helmet would be nice, but if the are as bad or worse than RS is in the way they treat their customers, then perhaps it is not worth it? I have not heard a lot of good things about efx so far, but any advice would be appreciated, thanks.
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