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PFD Recruit
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Everything posted by syllander

  1. Just hopeful RS will offer this in kit form in the future. Would be a fun and rewarding build.
  2. SC armor procured. 1 day ship? Jeff was cool for all 1 days we discussed things, lol. Awesome!
  3. List updated. Should have my armor by Tuesday. Soft good will be the longest wait, looks like around three months. I'd try some of it myself but between work/gym/Vader there's a shortage of time...
  4. Armor ordered....looking at Max's scifi creations for cummerbund and flak vest/pouches. Any feedback on them?
  5. Said I was only gonna get the helmet, but alas, I find myself looking for the other parts... May as well start this here to get my list started and have some questions/answers in the same place. Helmet- LoneWolf, with ArtisanFX for paint. Armor- SC, received Undersuit- altered Wampawear, complete Flak vest- Max's received Cummerbund- Max's received Boots- received, Chris909x Gloves- WW, received Scout blaster-DVH, will order
  6. That's kinda what I was thinking(lopping off part). I could get my tailor to straighten it out. Is there a pattern available for the thigh patch? Or do folks just wing it?
  7. The back of the neck is pointy on the Tie from WW. Not sure if this Ned's to be cut down or have the neck material replaced. Where do you guys get your suede from?
  8. I have a tie pilot FS from WW that I had the legs taken in on. Guess removing the pockets would be pretty easy to do, so I could really just repurpose this suit, correct? Other then sourcing the suede and getting that stitched on, is there anything else I'd need to do for the undersuit to fit the part for scout?
  9. Ouch.....yeah, gotta be a better option for you. Have you talked to Chef? Look at Black Falcon's pre-approval pics for a good view of his lid. It's 3mm HIPS, and I know HIPS gets a bad rap sometimes. It forms better then ABS, and should hold up very well for a helmet.
  10. Look at the MLC helmet offered by www.farawaycreations.com. Not perfect, but rather nice. There are some inaccuracies in all of the fan made, but some more than others. The most accurate I'd say is the RS, flat out. However I don't know if they'll end up offering it again. Andrea says they will eventually, but according to their last FB post suggests it's debatable. My newbie idea of more accurate to less pecking order would be...RS, eFx, LW, MCLv3, Chef, Altmann's, KS, SC, Rubies, Don Post.
  11. Depends on the lid really. For TK the RS is tops, but there are several awesome others too. I've gone thru the same issue you are referring too. Seems RS is the most accurate, and the LW is a close second but no longer produced. I really like the Chef helmet and the MonCal personally as far as accuracy to availability are concerned.
  12. Just ordered the MC helmet only. Cal quoted 8-10 weeks for them to get it in so hopefully it's not a super long wait. I ordered the helmet unpainted/unassembled. I can assemble it, and either rattle can or go all out and find someone to paint it with auto grade finish.
  13. Read up on the stuff though. No biggie if you only build a set. But some folks do the armor parties and what not and get much more exposure. I don't use any PPE either, but I only use it outside.
  14. Check the warnings on the E6000 too. Terrible stuff to be breathing in. Not a joke when they say use in well ventilated areas. The stuff really does its job though. If you decide you want/need to take something apart later, with some work you'll get it apart. It definitely will hold though if you leave it alone and wait overnight.
  15. The EFX is also really meant to display. Mostly made of fiberglass it's going to be quite heavy. And considering the resale will spike on them it's probably best to find a more troop friendly lid. Also at 5'7" you would probably want a lid just a bit smaller than the EFX or RS to troop in. The Altmann's should be fine for you.
  16. Looks great! I hit him up abut ago. Should order the lid tonight.
  17. Lou makes those too???!!!lol. Small world this is indeed!
  18. Hello, new around these parts and looking to acquire a scout lid. Not sure if I'll do a whole costume or not. But it is one of the few armored suits that look wearable without being in full leathers... I was looking at the Kropserkal helmets, and though they're not perfect I thought they looked pretty dang good. Does anyone know of more accurate mouth pieces that are obtainable that would work with this helmet? That was the one area that stood out the most as far as not even close to accurate. Thanks for any info!
  19. Anyone know if Lone Wolf still produces helmets? The one on SWhelmets looks fantastic!
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