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501st Pathfinder
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Shada last won the day on November 28 2016

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114 Excellent

About Shada

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  • Level II Badge
    Lancer TB
  • Trooping Award Badge
    50+ TB
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  • Location
    New Zealand

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  • 501st Garrison
    Outpost 42
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  1. For some other reference, check out this page: http://www.originalprop.com/blog/2018/04/26/exclusive-details-photos-original-han-solo-blaster-movie-prop-from-return-of-the-jedi-to-be-sold-by-juliens-auctions-in-june/ It’s primarily about a DL-44 but has a bunch of close ups of the Scout blaster towards the bottom Shada TB-27138
  2. Use something like Imgur to attach links to photos Shada TB-27138
  3. I also have SC armour and found it good value, easy to build to Lancer standard, and Jeff gives great service Shada TB-27138
  4. I’ve also got an SC/Alt combo and it works well Shada TB-27138
  5. Yeah, that extra 10cm or so of width on the right boot is a real pain - I forget to allow for it every time I suit up after a break.
  6. Trying out Imgur as a replacement for Photobucket... and to show off my Father's Day present Shada TB-27138
  7. Darth Vorhees' sale thread is http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=12429&pid=162897&st=220entry162897
  8. Velcro goes the whole length Shada TB-27138
  9. It may be hidden but looks close to the edge to me. I'd suggest using a paper cutout (or vinyl if you've done it) and position it to see how it lines up Shada TB-27138
  10. Pandatrooper's build thread is a fairly detailed explanation of how to build an SC. just make you check the instructions that come with it against the CRL as the instructions don't necessarily match (belt rivets esp. were wrong in the instructions I used a year ago - may have changed now though) Shada TB-27138
  11. I put in flat laces (more sneaker-style than boot) with a toggle, as in Panda's thread - works well Shada TB-27138
  12. Try Darth Vorhees on this forum - he makes nice blasters. And don't add a glass lens as it's not screen accurate Shada TB-27138
  13. Congrats Boris - welcome to the team.
  14. I used spray paint, imaging I was painting something about 15cm in front of the armour and not worrying about overspray. The trick is to go light - it's a subtle effect cf a Sandtrooper. I also used the paint and wipe off technique on my boots as they'd normally be dirtier. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  15. I have an Altmann and the wait is worth it - I think I was quoted 6 weeks and it arrived in 8. To put it in perspective, have a look on FISD: quoted times for TK makers tend to be in the 9+ month range, while Anovus is getting a reputation for continually pushing back shipping dates Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
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