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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by TXBolt

  1. Thanks... I sent a DM to Sean.
  2. Good morning all! I was doing a troop and one of the doo-hickies on the front of my bucket (little knobs that look like air filtration or some such) fell off and disappeared. Does anyone 3D print or have a couple replacements I could snag? (a 'couple' in case another flies off and I have a backup). THANKS! CB13911
  3. I got mine from WampaWear
  4. CB 13911 Reporting for duty:
  5. Thank you for the feedback!! I love the suggestions. I'll get on tightening things up.
  6. OK.... I THINK I'm done! (gun coming, but I'm not worried about that) Please take a look and let me know... should I submit these pics, or is there something I need to change before submission? THANK YOU to everyone for all your help. It has been a 2 year long process to get this point (I'm estimating about 100+ hours in this thing).
  7. Awesome! THANKS!!
  8. Thanks for the compliment! The legs are a bit large so I have to pad them to hold them secure, but if I go smaller, my gigantic feet won't slide in.
  9. While I work to figure out how to get that belt unit all together, I needed to finish out my shins with the straps and buckles. Using a length of canvas belt dusted with black and brown to darken/ dirty it up a bit was all that I needed. From there E6000 gluing magic to save the day! I hope this helps some of y'all. More updates as I bring this badboy to the finish line.
  10. On the belt, I followed the lead of other experts here on the boards and used a masking technique to spray paint in the black: For any overrun/ overspray, I just used a sharp knife and scraped off the excess: For the buckle, I just hit it with some primer, silver, and then dusted it with black to give it the right color tone: I cut some leather straps to start the process of hanging the pouches (e6000 to fold over and glue the straps together): At the moment... I'm a little stuck on how the heck I'm going to secure the buckle to the belt. E6000 didn't hold, so I will have to research what to do next on that.
  11. Next up... misc details that I didn't quite get around to last year. Up until this point, I didn't have the hanging pouches, so I did the same thing and whipped out the cardboard and duct tape. Then I just took some fabric and wrapped the cardboard and slapped on the paint:
  12. Wow.... time flies when I'm being a slacker. So real life kicked in, and it has been about 10-11 months since I have touched this project. (note... if I screw up my image posting, please bear with me. It has been a year since I messed with photobucket too. ) However, I'm back on track, and here are some updates for you. Let's start with the Cummerbund: Since it was originally made, I have dropped about 25+ pounds. As you might imagine, that jacked up all the dimensions. I had to reshape all the ammo pouches to fit my new waistline. I found that the magic of cardboard and duct tape were the easiest way of getting the job done. Also, by using the cardboard, I was able to make useful pouches as opposed to just cosmetic features stuck to the cummerbund. Now I have a plan for where I'll carry my keys and cell phone. LOL! After making a bunch of boxes, I got it all reshaped:
  13. It was brought to my attention that I may have misread your question (sorry... I'll stop trying to reply on my phone). I thought you meant the shoc visor only. I ended up attaching the helmet visor to the helmet by drilling pilot holes into the helmet and visor, feeding a screw through and securing with a wing nut. I then hit the screw head with the black cap, and that was it. You can find my build thread here: http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=15850&st=0 (I will need to update it soon, as I finally got off my tail and started working again). TXBolt
  14. I ended up just using hot glue. It has been a year and it's still solid.
  15. While on a little break from my build (holidays, weather, travel, etc), I just thought I'd pop in and just say that it was great to see the 501st represented at the Dallas Mavericks game last night. One of my kiddos was with me and really liked meeting y'all. He had a whole new appreciation for the gear and the effort each person had to put into things. He even asked, "Daddy... did everyone one of those people have to spend as much time as you have to make those costumes?" "Yes... yes they did. Probably more because I'm not done yet." It was great inspiration to see the great work you guys have done on your gear.
  16. Today was the big reveal of my "Halloween Ready" version of the costume. It's not 501st ready, but I'm just going to enjoy this milestone and relax for a bit before pushing things to the finish line. The reveal time and place? A official city Ribbon Cutting for my business during our office Halloween Party. LOL!
  17. I don't see why those wouldn't work. The tread is very similar to mine, but I'm not 501st approved yet either.
  18. I used Max's Sci-Fi creation shop (facebook) for my Cummerbund. I have no sewing skill whatsoever, so I had to solicit help. He did a great job for me.
  19. "Actually how did you guys mark the tank plate in the correct size?... Its so confusing and I cant get the right size at all." What I did was just measure the cut out like you have above... then I made the inside shape about 1/4 cm smaller than my drawing. I then filed away the difference until my tank cap fit. It was a little more time consuming, but it was better than cutting too large and having to fill it with Bondo or whatever.
  20. Anyone have a recommendation on exactly where I should get the canvas belt to use for the straps around my shin armor? I have ordered from Amazon twice now, and each time the belt shows up yellow instead of the Beige in the picture. If you have a link for exactly which one(s) you have had success ordering or just a recommendation on where to find the right item, I would greatly appreciate it. THANKS! TXBolt
  21. FYI on the Bondo... Use small batches when you mix It hardens up fast, so have a plan for what you are going to do before mixing and DO NOT cake it on thick... you will hate hate hate all the sanding that you have to do. If you want to see what too think looks like... check out my progress thread. I screwed up bad... fixable bad... but a lot more work than I had to do. GOOD LUCK! TXBF
  22. Welcome aboard and good luck with the build. As for the boots... here's what I bought: http://www.sportsmansguide.com/product/index/mens-magnum-8-response-ii-boots?a=431727 Best advice I can give.... settle in for a long project. This takes dedication.
  23. The pics are a huge help. THANKS!
  24. Today was a day of randomness. I chipped away at the following: - pulling the glue off to reveal the metal on all pieces (dang that took awhile) - painting and assembling misc parts (greebs on helmet, doo-hickies for arms, etc) - putting on velcro for chest and back piece fit - working out sizing on leg armor and padding to include - testing out painting of 'dirt' on toe armor - still trying to figure out how to install the SHOC visor (I think I have to cut it down to fit... ugh) - starting to insert pads into shoulder pieces (hot glue doesn't work... needed a combo of gorilla glue gel and regular super glue) - realizing I still am missing some items and had to hit Amazon for more stuff Here are some random pics from today:
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