Hello from Germany.
Some months ago during some kind of midlife-crisis-thing I started the "Biker scout"-project!
Limitations: skills with plastic parts and their trimming
I decided to try my luck with a MLCV3 helmet, because I thought, it's the only helmet that does not need THAT much trimming, glueing etc. and still needs some work that I might handle.
Although I do not want to join 501st in the first line I wanted to make it as nice as possible. I' d like to tell you the story of this helmet
First part: The order of the helmet!
No problem so far! MLC said it will take a month to make it and after exactly one month and one day they told that the stuff was about to ship.
They also told me, that it might take two weeks to Germany. .... it took 13 days
The problem in Germany: german bureaucracy. Customs, discussions about licencing with the guys at customs, additional fees blahblah.
But after 2 months I got it. My first helmet. Totally proud and amazed ...
Now the work begins ..