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501st Legion Member
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Everything posted by Cbrant

  1. I melted a set of thermal detonator end caps in the oven trying to heat them up to dimple and just forgot about them.
  2. Have they posted a how-to anywhere yet? I understand how to do it, but I'd like to see if they make mention of any interesting/helpful tips and tricks.
  3. You have great attention to detail - now the missing vent is gonna drive me crazy. Do you have a link for the lens material you use? The one provided probably has a protective film over each side so it might not be as dark as you think.
  4. My pants have the seam and accurately sized gussets.
  5. Gino, I saw your suit in person and it is excellent - I particularly enjoyed the weathering. I noticed you made no direct mention of the flightsuit you used. If I may, is it one you made from patterns in the archives or one you sourced? Thanks! The information you've provided to the community is invaluable.
  6. Soles look sharp!
  7. You can find smoother vinyl at JoAnn's Fabric.
  8. I would check out W.T.F. Walt's Trooper Factory on Facebook. My brother is awaiting his preorder TB set.
  9. Cbrant


    Do they offer a size Large, or do they always skip from M to XL like on their website currently?
  10. Wal-Mart has decent looking boots.
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