So, I have read quite a few posts concerning armor and it seems like the general consensus is to go with SC armor and a KS helmet. I'm 5`10 barefoot and 255 lbs. that being said, will the SC armor properly cover a bigger guy? I don't want to be getting any funny looks lol. I also haven't looked at prices or wait times, and while I don't want to wait a long time or spend a lot of money, I want something accurate and worth my time and money. I also want a helmet that is weighty so it feels real. I don't want it to be loose either. I keep short hair and I wear contacts so I believe a smaller helmet may be better for me but I just wanted to run it by the experts. My last question may be out of place, but, are scouts limited to the scout pistol or could we carry a bigger weapon like a sniper rifle? I loved the Battlefront game and the scout trooper was always a sniper so every time I see a scout I think of a sniper now. If there are any other vendors out there worth looking at please share the info. I want to make an informed purchase when its all said and done. Thanks!