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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by ForesterDesign

  1. Sorry I missed this! We have a few troopers around that area. We're working on a WTF build right now up here in the Upper Peninsula. How far along have you gotten? I can reach out to some other members closer to you in the lower Peninsula.
  2. You guys do a great job - keep up the great work, review team!
  3. So our variable seems to be that the "Spicy Orange" might be different wherever you get it mixed, which isn't surprising. Based on the mix that has been circulating here in the states from ST-21006, it seems to be more orange than what you're showing here. At this point, I could spray 3 of the same oranges on a piece of paper and we'd all be arguing over which one is the "spiciest". Good info here!
  4. Just adding to this some almost a year and some later - I did a comparison of the "Spicy Orange" sourced from a scan by Heather Duncan, ST 21006. Here is that paint (brushed) compared to the Montana Gold Shock Orange Dark color, painted over Sahara Beige. I'd be hard pressed to say that Red Orange is a better fit, but when I aquire the Red Orange, I'll do the comparison within this set too.
  5. Super bummed to not be at Celebration this year, but looking forward to another great year. Thanks for the work, troopers!
  6. Where did you get the kit?
  7. Probably the best look we have thus far:
  8. Congrats Mickey - let's rep those Pathfinders hard in Chicago!
  9. Someone get that trooper some new boots! Surely his soles are worn. Nice job, Cap!
  10. Congrats, Lancer! Your dedication to the mission of the Empire has been recognized! Please also note: Your spouse might not think it's as cool as you do.....or uh...was it just me?
  11. READY TO SERVE, CAP! Seriously, this community rules and I absolutely love seeing all the research, conversation and work that goes into making these suits that honor the original designers of this iconic costume. Let's have a blue milk at Celebration! Thanks to BikerScout007, Stasz and RetroFire for helping me along. PATHFINDERS LEAD!
  12. Ok - first things first: Blaster filled in: Now the new bund/suit up: Back with updates: Sides: "Outside the bunker":
  13. Hey Retrofire - here is the new bund with proper lines and stitching, adjustments to the back (raised) and cod. Let me know if these are checked off - thanks for your eyes!
  14. Retrofire, thanks for the great detail. I’ll get this up to code as quickly as I can. I should also apologize for the initial fully suited up photos and shifting of armor, those were taken right after a troop - would you like me to do a full resubmit or just the issues addressed for approval? Thank you!
  15. Also Strider, I totally spaced on the blaster barrel. Here's the fill in:
  16. I come to serve the Emperor humbled and ready for the hurt. Thanks for reviewing guys, happy to make adjustments for the tip of the spear! TB93016 Armor: Studio Creations Helmet: LoneWolf Undersuit: Modified RedKap Boots: Homemade Blaster: Hyperfirm Modified Gloves: WampaWear Bund: Homemade Flak: ParrotCathy Rebel Scum: Blasted Ewoks: Hate 'em I think this IMGUR link below has them embedded - but here is the album just in case: https://imgur.com/a/sxqcNwu <blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="a/sxqcNwu"><a href="//imgur.com/sxqcNwu"></a></blockquote><script async src="//s.imgur.com/min/embed.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
  17. Man, we're gettin' SPECIFIC! I love it and am terrified all at the same time. But truthfully, I don't see anything overly ridiculous here - gonna have to try and get my Lancer V1 submitted by the end of the week.
  18. It's very comfortable and accomodating - I have a 7.25'' head and there is plenty of room - I used the Amazon tactical pad kit, with the chin strap for additional support for bending over, grabbing my blaster and posing with kids.
  19. Enjoy, it's a great helmet! Spike is the man!
  20. I came across a LoneWolf (weathered on the left) and thought the community would appreciate some side by sides to my Altmanns (clean, on the right). https://imgur.com/a/ADdBsHs Upon initial reactions - I will say that the shape of the Altmanns is a bit more stout - it's got a little bit of a slimmer eye hole and one a side-by-side comparison, definitely is more shallow. The LoneWolf seems to be more "accurate" based on my ROTJ reference shots - but as it's a kit, construction varies. Spike's Altmanns helmet, construction-wise, is about as good as it gets. A truly fantastic build, painted beautifully internally and externally, has a strong glued lens, practical visor and chinstrap. It really is a premier helmet. The LoneWolf is a beautiful shape - but the kit entirely depends on those that put it together. It doesn't feel as heavy-duty, but looks amazing. Do with this info as you wish, Pathfinders.
  21. Stoked to meet everyone!
  22. Hey guys - a guy in my Garrison is unloading a BSP V1 kit for a very, very affordable price. He said the helmet needs work, but the kit is still raw and uncut. Does anyone know if the BSP V1 kit require a lot of mods for approval, or does it just need the build? If so, I may build it - sell to get another member to join our group, and then build my own WTF Shore (already preordered!)
  23. Got some pre-submission photos taken from a talented photographer friend of mine. Since these were taken, I've made adjustments to my flak's sleeve length, added the .5inch elastic strap around the shoulder bells, gotten smaller pouches, readjusted my bund and tightened a few things up. Still love these photos and thought I would share. A HUGE shoutout to BikerScout007 and Stasz for our communication in helping me get to this point, and I hope Spike and Jeff from Studio Creations see these, because the helmet and armor is fantastic together.
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