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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by TeaJay

  1. I got my numbers! TB 12864 http://www.501st.com...hp?userID=20740 Could a forum admin update my membership status on the BSN to 501st biker scout, or how does that work? Oh! Added post to the member status update part of the forum. http://forum.bikersc...showtopic=14885 Also for the 501st access section of the forum: http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=14886
  2. Thanks for the insight. I will move up the biceps and adjust the bund. The reason why I have the rectangular sew-lines on the pouches is that it seems to appear here in the movie when Han flips one of the TBs by the wrist.
  3. Hey guys, here's what I've got: Anything jump out to you guys besides my TD being crooked on my right profile shot? Bonus boot shot:
  4. Thank you for the info. Good point about the severe weather. Not that it's a good thing, but I'm kind of glad that I'm not the only one with the issue. Maybe our packages are pals right now, haha.
  5. I ordered my gloves and Az shipped them out on Dec. 10th. They've been stuck in limbo for the past 2+ days without updates. I hope they didn't get lost in the mail. I emailed him today, awaiting a response. I even paid the extra money for priority shipping. Tracking Info
  6. Here's just a quick comparison example. The boot on the left has only been heated and stretched once. The boot on the right has been heated and stretched three times. The left one still has a noticeable bulge near the lower part of the laces. Not sure if this helps just wanted to share the photo.
  7. I contacted WW on Nov. 1st and he asked me to contact him in 3 weeks. I followed up with him again on Nov. 23rd and he said.... "Hi TJ, As always, delay from the factory. Not sure if I can get them this week either because of Thanksgiving. Please check back next week." So it should be pretty soon.
  8. Uhh.. based on your photos, I guess you are saying that the way I have the right buckle is the correct way? Both of these images are very blurry and it seems difficult to tell.
  9. I'm in the process of adding the black buckles to my webbing on my belt and I've noticed people putting the buckles on different ways. In the photo you can see that the clip "teeth" are facing downwards towards where the belt-boxes will go on each side. However, the subtle difference is which side (front vs. back) of the clip should be facing up. Here's a couple example photos. On the left side, you can see that it hangs straight down. This is the proper way of threading the fabric if you were to use the clip for something actually functional. However it seems to sit very awkwardly. On the right side, you can see that the clip is just rotated to the other side. This isn't the proper way of threading it in a functional sense, but it tends to lay more flush against the fabric. I couldn't find any specific requirements on the CRL and I've seen TBs do it various ways. I believe Panda's tutorial has his clips orientated like the ones on the right side of my photo. I've also seen others get approved having them oriented like seen on the left side as well. After popping in the Star Wars bluray with the 360 view and close ups of the scout (which I know aren't 100% accurate).... the mannequin has the belt buckles orientated the same way as the buckles on the right of my photo (same as Panda's). I was just hoping to get people's opinions on the correct orientation of the belt buckles before I do anything permanent to them. Any Lancers out there with opinions as well? Thanks guys!
  10. Repainted. Still drying but looks a lot better than before.
  11. I found proper light gray spray paint today at my local craft store. I went back to Lowes and returned the dark gray paint. I will post a picture of it repainted tonight.
  12. I will have to go buy light gray somewhere. Man, big box stores like Lowes is just useless when you ask someone for help to color match.
  13. Crap... that was the only color of gray that they sold at Lowes for plastics. :/
  14. Here it is painted. Just waiting for it to dry. I already attached one end to the TD so I taped it off.
  15. Here's the updated striping. hopefully this looks better.
  16. Thank you for the feedback. Yea, it will definitely need tweaked. I'll be working on it tonight.
  17. Thank you sir. No worries. I will paint it tonight.
  18. After looking around at other photos and chatting with my TB buddy; I think I need to lower the horizontal stripe and bring the verticals in just a tad as well. I will post another photo after I've made the change. Still curious on what you all think of the placement of the rank stripes...
  19. Hey guys. I noticed on a separate thread that indylead was concerned about the SC TD that he received that was "black and white/pale gray" and he wasn't sure if it was kosher; original post here. The original thread started to move away from that subject into a different conversation, so I was hoping to get more clarification. Here's a photo of what was sent to me from SC, I'm thinking this is the same exact color that indylead received. I talked to a fellow TB last night and he said that I will most likely need to paint it all gray. What is everyone's thoughts? Is this going to get the 501st stamp of approval without the gray paintjob?
  20. Hey everyone! I just got my SC armor kit in the mail and started working on it last night. This is my first scout build. I put the pinstripe decals on the tank that came with the kit. Does horizontal line seem too long? I measured the sticker decal before I placed it on the tank and it was 7 7/8" inches long. Is the horizontal line too high up on the tank? Also are the rank stripes too high on the tank? Does the placement look okay for 501st approval? Thanks in advance for any feedback!
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