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PFD Recruit
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501st Information

  • Name
    Christian Lewis
  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    501st Ireland Garrison
  • 501st Profile Page
  1. Great build, about to order my breaches, top and neck seal from Keep Trooping, can I ask what size you went with and what height and waist size you are please Paul?, I am 6’.1 and 32” waist but usually get 34” waist in trousers I case be weight fluctuates, thinking XL to be in the safe size but perhaps L would be ok
  2. Nice weathering, how did you do it?, was it a combination of using the salt and also paint or perhaps sanding back to the base coat?
  3. Fantastic build Shelby, you are very skilled 😉
  4. Thanks Matt, thats a shame, prefer building stuff myself, a lot more fun! How 'long' is a long wait for you guys?, I waited the best part of year for my Anovos TK kit
  5. Newbie here on this site , would love one of these RS lids, do they offer it as a kit?
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