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Canterbury Tail

501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Canterbury Tail

  1. I have SC armour and Altman helmet. Not painted either of them, just straight plastic and had zero approval or trooping issues.
  2. They seem to be the same base outfit. Minus the pouches and plus a harness webbing with a cylindrical pod attached to it. Add some wiring to the melee weapon (which makes me assume the backpack is a power generator and the melee weapon. Everything else appears to be the same except perhaps the gloves. Oh and look how long that strap is to the thigh boxes at the back
  3. They seem to be the same base outfit. Minus the pouches and plus a harness webbing with a cylindrical pod attached to it. Everything else appears to be the same from the footage released today.
  4. Is it me or do you have 1 too many ribs on the cummerbund? Shouldn't it be 6 lines to make 5 subsections rather than 7 to make 6?
  5. One thing, your TD greebles are on the wrong sides. The rectangular piece should be on the left hand side of the detonator with the square side point up, and the circular on the right side. Oh and piece of advice, round off those corners on the biceps and forearms, you'll thank us later when you don't get armour bites when bending your arms.
  6. I do recommend the Altman and wear one myself. Just need to attach a chin strap and you're ready to rock. Very happy with mind (cheers Spike.) I'm Canadian and I ordered it. I didn't even get hit for import duties (though your mileage may vary obviously) and it came in under what you're quoting there for the SC assembled.
  7. What book are those photos from?
  8. Theoretically you could run a longer two way zipper right the way down the front of the flight suit, around the crotch and back up to the waist area in back. It would all be covered by the cod, 2" elastic and then mud flap. Just if you do do it, make sure you lift your mud flap out of the way properly while occupied or things could get interesting.
  9. Wow, that's quite the snout on that.
  10. I used a couple of layers of craft foam in mine. Holds shape great, no bunching or camel toe here.
  11. Stitching the Riding Patches on is the hardest part of making the entire outfit I found. Even worse when you need to completely redo them. But yeah, split the legs and sew and go slowly. Also piece of advice, stitch up the leg as depending on your suede it may stretch slightly as it's stitched so you can end up with some bulging of it where stitching lines come together. So make that area where you finish the stitching up by your waist where it will be hidden just in case.
  12. TB28724 reporting for duty.
  13. Also just noticed that my right hand thigh box has a twisted strap at the back. It's only just noticeable from the side shot, not obvious from the rear one.
  14. I knew I hadn't pulled my bund up right. Can't see the back in a mirror but I could feel it wasn't sitting right. Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
  15. I think I'm done. I have no blaster yet, but that's not required for basic approval. So hit me. Things I know. One arm bicep crept round to the back after I suited up, needs to be pulled forward. Left flak vest sleeve got stuck with the shoulder bell elastic rucked around the bottom. Pull the shoulder bells round to the front fractionally more.
  16. Doh. Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
  17. You'd probably have to do a lot of smoothing and cutting to get the soles acceptable on those. Plus attaching the vinyl so it's a straight line around the front may be more trouble than it's worth. I'd suggest trying just to get a pair with straight soles.
  18. Oh, I was under the impression I couldn't get involved at all until I officially joined, which means yes I've never met with anyone from my local garrison. Didn't know you could do anything prior as the Canadian garrison only allows active 501st members to join the forums so I've had no contact. Hmmm, I'll reach out to Dart, see if he can assist me.
  19. So I believe I'm finished. Everything is done and adjusted. All is made and things fit and seem to look right thanks to everyone's feedback. Problem is I can't submit my 501st application because my gloves have been in the mail for over 3 weeks and I have no idea when my helmet will turn up (been waiting since June.) So what now? Can I do anything with the 501st without the full uniform? Can I help out at events etc? Or should I just move onto something else while I wait for gloves and helmet? Thoughts?
  20. Yeah, you've done a lot of the hard work (flight suit etc). Everything else is tweaks on the order of hours of work rather than days. It sounds like a lot but most of that can be done in an hour or so (cummerbund and cod being the exceptions.)
  21. Your forearm armour needs to come down. The ends of it should be going over the top of the gloves. That'll allow your bicep armour more room to breath. I think the shoulder bells are too long which is forcing your bicep armour down to your elbow instead of just on your bicep. That's a wicked, I hesitate to call it a camel toe, something going on with your cod. You may wish to consider just remaking that part with some more padding. Just make sure that the end of the cod doesn't actually go between your legs. It should stop just short and just the elastic goes between. I also think your flak jacket is sticking up between your shoulder bell and chest armour. It's giving a strange spike in some of the poses. Give it a pull up and see if you can tuck it under the shoulder/neck strapping of your chest/backplate. That may also pull the sleeves of it up as they could be too long but it's hard to tell if the shoulder bells or the bicep armour is covering it. Your bicep armour most certainly shouldn't be over the flak jacket arms. Also bring your drop boxes up an inch or so, they're slightly low. You definitely look like a scout trooper. You've done a good job on the rebuild. Just a few tweaks and you'll be ready to go in no time.
  22. With the new Lancer standards having the following (optional) point - Two Part bund/cod with cod section not attached to the main bund. Optional but highly recommended How are people attaching the top part of their cod? Do they attach it to the belt or flight suit or are people attaching it via velcro to underneath the cummerbund at the bottom?
  23. Some put velcro on the inside of their cummerbund and attach it to their flight suit. Not yet finished by uniform but this feels like it should help, especially if you have things in your pouches.
  24. Thanks for the feedback. I was planning on taking up the shoulder bells at some point so yes that's a good thing. I've taken my cummerbund up an inch and a half and it looks much better now. No more appearing below the bottom of the belt and it is just sitting under the belt from the top. I could pull it up slightly further if need be. Now I need to go and clean out the room from the massive explosion of small white threads that has appeared as a result.
  25. So I'm getting there with my build now. I have some more work to do obviously but I wanted to solicit some feedback on what I already have. It's a partial suitup of what I have right now. What I know. No helmet No gloves No mudflap No codpiece No pouches I believe my bund is slightly too long, I will see what I can do about that or do people think I should drop the belt a bit?. Only 1 dropbox is attached right now Only 1 riding patch and strap The attached riding strap needs pulling up tight Holster needs attaching, and I need a blaster So without further ado.
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