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501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by NinjaScout

  1. Thanks for that. I have been hesitating on my boot cuts because I don't want to ruin my boots. Looking to do it right... once.
  2. If that is the base boot, then why do we leave that strip in the middle on the heel boot cutouts? Looks like you should cut them the whole way down.
  3. Shoulder bell is upside down.
  4. Took some screen caps from the Season 3 trailer. First scout appearance that I am aware of. Who is up to see some new, on-screen, scout action?
  5. Something like this for the stabilizer? http://www.joann.com/pellon-p44fjas-fusible-interfacing-white-by-the-yard/7012081.html#sz=90&start=1 I have plenty of duck canvas. Just need the foam and to motivate my wife to do more sewing.
  6. I want to do this too before my lancer app. Is there a link to the right kind of foam I should look for? I checked the local fabric store last weekend but didn't see anything that would work.
  7. I am now a proud member of the ART Razor - FL Garrison. Thanks, Chex, for the add.
  8. Just checked the list and a state wide ART is already there. Better join up.
  9. I have the SpecOps people in my area forming up into a team. We have enough scouts in the Tampa Bay area to make a decent recon team.
  10. You can't just pull the bund a little higher? When I was doing submission I really needed a few times to learn how to wear the ensemble correctly and I started to establish reference points where on my body things needed to go so it all lines up. I figured out where the top of the bund needed to be on me so the rest of it sat right at the belt line.
  11. Looks awesome. I don't see a thing out of place.
  12. Spike has been making a new armor set also that may be worth a look.
  13. Looking good so far. How are the TD clips coming? I'll still take a set from you when they are ready if you have extras!
  14. Or just make the pouches. Its easy enough. http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=7084
  15. I filled and re-drilled mine but Chef would know way better than me. Ultimately I liked it better centered for my own sanity so I make it happen.
  16. Approved. TB-10231 reporting. Special note: 231 is the serial number that came in my Altmann bucket. Thought it would be neat to work it into my TKID.
  17. Very excited for you. When the gear starts arriving, it is the best feeling.
  18. Still no word. Wearing out the refresh button.
  19. I was asked to put in my 501st app yesterday. While I don't have official word I think that is a good sign. Right? I still may re-make the cod at some point. I have the strap connecting to the back of the cod now with Velcro. Do I just make it tighter?
  20. I don't mind the critique. I want to be the best scout I can be and I expect to have to be as close to perfect as possible each time out for the Empire! (But I do want to be done so I can start another project) I'll summarize the corrections. 1. Cummerbund was showing a bit below the belt. 2. Cod needs to be tucked better (but no cameltoe) and crotch seems a little long/baggy 3. Forearms lower and over the glove - (same as I have heard here) 4. Pouches seem sloppy - press and hang better 5. Round shoulder bell more than I did already (I'll do the PandatTooper 1.75 diameter round as suggested) Essentially I need to learn to wear the suit better is the main gist. Also need to work the lexan scissors one last time. Might go ahead and do the chin cup today also if I find my left over elastic. Thanks for the tips, everyone. I appreciate them.
  21. I didn't get approved. A few changes to make and I'll implement the advice from here also. Some new pre-clearance pics coming this evening.
  22. Thanks everyone. Would it get approved as is with comments or would I have to re-submit? I am still pending now and this is my first 501st submission.
  23. Also my squad already wants me to make it dirty.
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