Heya i'm Adam from the Carolina Garrison, and last month i finally got my ANH Stormtrooper approved!
I love my TK and it will always be special to me but of course in my mind the Elites of the Empire were always the Scouts, so here i am testing the waters.
One of my major concerns though is my size though, i'm a short 5'4 and a pudgy 170lb. is there any good sets of armor for someone so small, and a helmet set that wont turn me into a Bobblehead?
last how long are the delays for some sets or pieces? i also planned on doing a TIE Pilot and i have the helmet and armor on order from Faraway Creations, but that was back in October and still seems to have another 6 month wait. i'd prefer to have this finished in time for Rogue One if possible.