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Comfy Turtle

501st Legion Member
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Everything posted by Comfy Turtle

  1. I've nearly finished my Scout everythings done except for attaching the back and chest plates, but tuning a test fitting to make sure things seemed right i couldnt keep the cummerbund and belt up for the life of me, so i want to know whats the way others keep everything on? velcro to the flightsuit? straps? snaps? feel free to move this thread if its in the wrong area
  2. Anyone know how he deals with refunds? i ordered my armor in October of last year and i'm just tired of waiting i'd rather just get my money back and order SC. just scared he'll refuse and just say "lol i already spent it you'll just have to wait"
  3. So i'm looking into WW glove sizes and my hand seems to be about a 8 1/2 which might lead me to pick L, but i also need to wear cotton gloves underneath to help with my eczema but i due to my height my fingers are also kinda small and i dont want to oversize and have a extra half inch off the finger tips. what should i do?
  4. Ok so way back in October i orginally planned to do a TIE pilot, i ordered a helmet/armor pair from Faraway Creations. then messaged them a few weeks ago saying i'd like to cancel so i can use the money for the Scout instead, Faraway is offering to switch my TIE order over to a Scout one but has anyone actually seen or know the prices of Faraways Scout stuff? i've only ever seen SC. Faraway from what i've heard over from the TIEs say hes a master armorer but possibly the longest wait of all. but i guess i'll wait till he emails his prices and pics
  5. got the email, $170 was around the same for my TK helmet kit from ATA. but anyone know how complicated the built was? it looks simpler then the TK but like i said i goofed up some parts of my first Lid, mostly the decals and paints, i'd like it fully built but thats a almost a full paycheck extra. also looking into the soft bits now, saw people also recommend SC for the Cummerbund+Pouches. anything else from them i should notice? i know its never happens like it should but i'm trying to eye prices and options as i dont have the best paying job. also Trade Forum unlocked woo!
  6. Ok so SC armor for sure it seems and i'm looking into Kropserkel's Helmet, and it seems good. i heard not perfectly accurate but a good price and easy to fix. but when i try his site it just shows pictures, do i have to email him or am i on the wrong site? http://www.kropserkel.com/imperial.htm getting pumped!
  7. thanks for the pick, you wear it well! SC seems to be the way to go between you two and reading around in other threads. my other biggest fear is helmet assembly, my first TK helmet was disaster, in the end i had to pay extra for another one already built... i'll look into it more tomorrow
  8. Heya i'm Adam from the Carolina Garrison, and last month i finally got my ANH Stormtrooper approved! I love my TK and it will always be special to me but of course in my mind the Elites of the Empire were always the Scouts, so here i am testing the waters. One of my major concerns though is my size though, i'm a short 5'4 and a pudgy 170lb. is there any good sets of armor for someone so small, and a helmet set that wont turn me into a Bobblehead? last how long are the delays for some sets or pieces? i also planned on doing a TIE Pilot and i have the helmet and armor on order from Faraway Creations, but that was back in October and still seems to have another 6 month wait. i'd prefer to have this finished in time for Rogue One if possible.
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