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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by bugdozer

  1. Mark of good taste on both counts, I'd say.
  2. You'll be pleased to hear I have now bought some snips and a dremel, and just ordered the riveting tool you recommended also. How we will laugh as I slice my fingers off in pursuit of costuming excellence!
  3. Thanks for the tips, guys!
  4. There shouldn't be any black stripes on the holster either (I think!)
  5. My wife has ordered me not to buy any more guitars until we have moved to a bigger house, she's sick of tripping over them. The Gibson Firebird I lust after will sadly be just a dream for a while longer! BTW good choice on Thunderbird for bass - I love mine!
  6. Are these things OK to troop with at canon events?
  7. I'm about to receive my plastic armour parts and am aware that these need rivets to attach various bits. Because I've never used these little fellas before, I looked online at how to attach this type of rivet. It appears you have to first make a hole, then put the rivet through, then smash at it with a hammer to fix the rivet in place. It's the smashing it with a hammer that makes me nervous and also made me think of the many posts where I've seen people commenting on stress fractures in their armour around the rivets - could the method of application encourage this? So what I'm looking for is some sort of guide on the best way to apply the rivets - and also is it allowed to have rivets which look like they are holding bits in place, but really they're just the top of the rivet glued on to the outside, with some other fixing method doing the actual holding together (such as glue, velcro, etc)?
  8. He not only doesn't have a chin cup, he also doesn't have a chin...
  9. Chef I've just noticed you've simulated the scratch on the top of the visor from a helmet that's been exhibited. Nice touch! Is the scratch identifiable in the movie?
  10. bugdozer

    hi guys.

    Another Rob, this could get confusing! Welcome
  11. What is plastic weld? Is it like a hot glue gun?
  12. My wife is planning on getting into the legion by being Boushh! Not making it easy...
  13. One thing that took me a while to notice about the SC helmet but once you do, it's really obvious - the ridges under the eyes are much less defined than on most other helmets, and certainly less than on the original screen model. That just put me off getting it.
  14. bugdozer


    Me too please? Especially what MLC is because I just can't work it out.
  15. Surely that was Lancer-clearable before you started your modifications?
  16. Here's the offending gun (with my newly padded pouches). I've added some subtle weathering to make it look more metal and less plastic, although you can't really see on this photo.
  17. Which is why I am attempting to contact someone who worked on the actual ROTJ costumes
  18. Are any of the actors traceable? They might remember. Bit of a long shot but you never know. Or some of the costume staff who worked on the film? If I were to put my money on anything at all it would be that some of the costumes were simply made differently for whatever reason - perhaps adjusted to fit actors/stuntmen other than the ones they were originally measured for, perhaps because they discovered after taking a couple of stunt falls the codpiece ripped off the bund, I don't know. We could probably think of 5 reasons each why some might have been made differently. But looking at the visual evidence, it could simply be that the cod connects to the bund a bit higher up rather than exactly at the bottom edge, so the bund has an "overhang" - which would explain the apparent gap as simply being a shadow. There are no photos I've seen which that could not be the explanation for. As for variations in the scout armour seen on screen - there's a shot where one of the scouts has a much less dark visor than the others, you can see his face through it and it appears a sort of dark amber colour. Whereas I have heard others say the original helmets had a dark greenish lens. Update: I've just sent an e-mail to someone who worked on the film. Let's see if I get any response...
  19. Here's a thought... what if some were one piece and others two piece? For example, if some didn't "sit right" when seated on the bike as opposed to standing - could it be possible they separated the cods on just some of the costumes to make them more adjustable to look good on screen? We are making the assumption that every costume in the movie was identical, and that may not be true.
  20. That's pretty awesome.
  21. Got my blaster in the mail today... after a bit of trouble! The stupid postman delivered it to the wrong house. Rather than read the label, the unintelligent recipient of the box opened it, thinking it was for her. She was horrified to find the box contained - gasp - a DEADLY WEAPON! (never mind that it had no trigger and no hole for ammo to come out of!) So she read the name, and realised that she and my wife had a mutual friend on Facebook. So she messages my wife on FB (I'm at work at the time) and threatens to call the police if we can't tell her the tracking number on the box. No, I don't get the logic of it either. Anyway, my wife explains to her it's a prop replica (or as she calls it, "a toy gun") and eventually the woman drops it round to the house. Nice to have some drama, but seriously, who would ever think it was real?
  22. The Legion Charter specifically states we mustn't punch children. At least, not when anyone's looking.
  23. I haven't got a dremel either.
  24. Do you reckon they're better than the scissors? Also they appear to cut metal, which is an advantage for other things.
  25. I've seen many people cite these as an essential tool for armour trimming and I want to get a pair - but I see they come in curved and straight varieties. Is it wise to get both or is that overkill?
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