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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by bugdozer

  1. It's conclusive that at least one biker scout suit was constructed with the cummerbund and codpiece as separate pieces. Did I say it was conclusive that suits of that design were used in the movie? No. See my earlier post where I suggest this design may be a prototype. If I was going to be really picky about this - I could say there's no evidence that tanks with red squares weren't used in the movie. We don't see the top of every scout's tank. There are all sorts of details on movie costumes that end up never being seen in any of the finished film, despite being present. There's a suggestion that rubber armour may have been used on the scout that Han grapples with. It would be wrong to assume that every scout trooper costume was the same, just because ours have to be.
  2. I think that's pretty conclusive.
  3. I think what's crucial is that there is no evidence of this difference in anything seen on screen. It might well be 2 pieces here but that could have changed when it came to filming. I agree that it's not enough to go altering the CRLs - in fact , the joined bund/cod system prevents gaps like this from appearing, which keeps it looking like the movie. If you get any slippage with this system, suddenly your scout doesn't look like the movie any more.
  4. Marcel is also in the UK.
  5. I happened to take a closer look at this picture today: This is from page 261 of The Star Wars Chronicles by Deborah Fine. Not the best quality image, but it is interesting. It looks to me like you can actually see the bottom edge of the bund here, with the black flight suit showing between it and the top of the belt. It looks too dark just to be a shadow (compare with the shadow under the belt). This looks like if the cod is indeed separate, it might in fact attach to the inside of the belt rather than extending up behind the bund. I should note there is also a back view in the book taken from the same photo set, and there is no thermal detonator in the picture. So it's always possible this could be a prototype design, although it doesn't say so (the book is quite good at pointing out differences between the final and earlier designs).
  6. The pouches don't really muffle it. People never notice your voice isn't coming from your head - when I've had to repeat things I notice the listener will still lean closer to my face rather than my chest. I think it's an instinctive subconscious thing.
  7. I use strips of upholstery foam, glued in - a couple either side at the top, one at the back, one on the forehead. Enough to let it grip on my head when it turns without being tight.
  8. I have cotton straps where you can see, but on one end of these is a piece of elastic so that I have some give when I move and bend. The elastic can't be seen because it's inside the armour.
  9. He did move house a few weeks ago, so I don't know if his production facilities are fully up to speed yet.
  10. I just wear underwear. Anything else has been too hot on summer troops. I have yet to troop in cold weather though so I may need more then.
  11. I'm one of the Cheftroopers, so I can vouch for the quality of his kit. It's made from HIPS of a solid thickness and seems extremely durable. His belt is one of the most accurate available and his delivery time is relatively quick. He has nice return edges on the chest and back armour and some of the other pieces and doesn't mind you messaging him for construction tips. The kit comes with everything you need to assemble it, you will not have to source any rivets/elastic/strapping from anywhere else. I would say that if yoyu're shorter than about 5 foot 9 you may find his armour a little on the large size (he made it to fit himself and he's over 6 foot). Here's some pics of it:
  12. What is that strange white froth coming out from the snout?
  13. Not true for Chef's helmet, which comes with all the parts you need and none of them have to be junked or replaced with parts from another source. It just takes a little effort and care to assemble, but an excellent helmet at the end of it.
  14. They used the E-11S (not to be confused with the regular E-11) which is basically the same gun as the DC-15X. It's the one seen in Star Wars Battlefront (the old version, don't know abou tthe new one).
  15. Well from your point of view and mine, the UK Garrison. Non-canon weapons are not allowed on our troops.
  16. Just out of interest... why do almost all white substances that discolour ONLY go yellow? Nothing ever goes red or green, it's always yellow!
  17. My tank rivet is entirely cosmetic. The whole thing is held together with glue.
  18. That's not necessarily a problem - there are some in the movie which were like that.
  19. Hi there! The Scout is an adaptable costume when it comes to body size.
  20. If you want total accuracy, the sniper rifle should have a square/rectangular barrel rather than the round one of the DLT. I've just been researching this due to my plan to build one as well! Marcel has a build thread on here, and I think a couple of others too.
  21. The UK Garrison are very much keen on keeping things as canon as possible. I doubt they'd allow a DLT-19, for all that it is quite similar to an E-11s.
  22. Haven't you noticed the pattern for when we show up in the movies? Original trilogy - scouts appear in third film. Prequel trilogy - scouts appear in third film. So I fully expect us to turn up in Episode IX!
  23. I can report that now I have a couple of troops under my belt, the gloves have stretched slightly as suspected and now don't feel so restrictive.
  24. The problem with suggestions of a boycott, is that one can only do it if one either no longer wants the product at all, or has an alternative vendor to go to instead. When you're in a situation where there is no competitor offering the same product then you can't really do it. They have a monopoly, and you must have it their way or not at all. The only thing that will stop this general attitude amongst prop manufacturers is if a competitor comes along offering a product of the same quality but faster. That's the only way they'll lose business. Right now, the buyers want the products too badly not to pay and wait.
  25. I'm thinking I'd like to have something a little bigger than my holdout blaster to troop around with. I'm aware that the Scouts used E-11's in the Battlefront games... is that the only other firearm that original Scouts should be using, or are there any canon materials where we use other weapons, e.g. DLT 19?
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