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PFD Recruit
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Everything posted by mikemakesmovies

  1. So my SC armor kit came yesterday so I'm all set to start assembling the armor but I'm not sure exactly how to fasten the elastic to the bicep, forearm, and knee armor (other than the rivet portion) do people glue it down onto the plastic itself? I've been using the lancer tutorial but just kinda confused
  2. Alright the move was a success and I’ve been able to continue working on my scout. In the final stages of the helmet build and man is that gloss looking good. Can’t wait to dirty it up because who doesn’t like a nice dirty scout. Hopefully will have all the decals on the back portion of my bucket tonight Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Well as a small update I’m going to have to put my build on a hold for a bit. I’ve been using my moms sewing machine which she got from her grandma but it’s not got enough gumption to do what I need to do so I’m going to invest in my own shortly. I’m also moving to AZ in a few weeks and don’t want to lose parts states away[emoji23]. And if I take my time my product will look way better anyway. But I’ll be lancer by the end of the year Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Thanks for that! Are the level 2 crl standards the lancer standards or is there a separate place for those Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. After doing the research on and off for about a year and a half to two years I’m on the path to being a scout and a lancer no less. All I’ve got are crappy iPhone photos but I’m well on my way. Ive got probably around 90-95% of all what I need purchased or ordered. I’m hoping to get it done by Halloween so I’ll be cranking it out so probably not a ton of updates but I’ll have big ones. So far my flightsuit is all tailored to me I just have to do is fix my mandarin collar and get the Swede and sew on the patches. The pouches are completely finished and I’m nearly done with my cumberbund. Helmet was a good sculpt I found on Etsy for a decent price but the pulls themselves were b grade so I can’t say id really recommend it. I’ve got SC armour coming by next week and my helmet liner and bolts coming as well. I’m planning on getting my soft parts done this week and starting on my boots. Now for the not super great quality pictures :)If you’ve got any criticisms fire them away I’m just trying to make the best scout I can. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Once I get the black flight suit in I'll post some pics. I was able to find it in a better size so hopefully, that'll help
  7. So I'm gearing up to start my scout and I'm going to be shooting for lancer. I was planning on getting a redkap suit and then modifying it, however, I have a particularly small build but it also somewhat tall. So in order to make it semi fitted I would need to bring it in a bunch and it's enough to cause some sewing issues that I won't have the skill to problem solve like other parts. I have a grey redkap for an abandoned mando that I test fitted again today but really baggy. I can get dickies work pants that would be my size and if they needed fitting would be much easier than a one piece suit but if for lancer it needs to be a one-piece I'll go that route.
  8. Good to know. Thanks
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