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501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by uscstaylor

  1. +1
  2. Very Nice Chef...
  3. Your funny dude! I'm really just taking my time so I can do this right! Tomorrow I'm going to sand it down, make sure she's nice and smooth for painting this weekend. Then I'll add the lens and decals. Oh I think I'm going to add magnets for the mask to stay shut tight against the helmet too!
  4. Well I decided that I am going to have to move the holes on the side of the helmet back about 1/4 inch so I filled them in with some Milliput and Styrene Plastic card to get a nice solid platform to drill a new hole into the helmet! Here's a pic with them filled. I will post pics of the new holes sometime this weekend.
  5. Thanks Spooky I fixed them
  6. Update on helmet: Finished prepping for paint and filled holes in. I'll paint next weekend.
  7. Updated... 3/4 of the way done with the Rubies. Have to fill in small holes on visor and paint. Than snout, lens, decals and finally padding for head....Man I can't wait to get in the BSD!
  8. uscstaylor


    Thanks he did contact me and we have made plans. Yeah
  9. uscstaylor


    I sent Chef a PM. He hasn't gotten back to me. Is he still active here. thanks!
  10. ***Updated***
  11. I've made more progress on the mask. I'll post more pics in a day or two. Anyone recommend good 501st Decals that will pass the lancer specs?
  12. Thanks Griffin it means a lot!
  13. Hey Guys I posted this here cause I'm modifying my Rubies and its coming along nicely, but I've bought new Decals and this item. Can you please tell me if this will pass the lancer specs. http://www.ebay.com/...K%3AMEBIDX%3AIT Any input is appreciated! Thanks Also I need to move the bolt hole back about a 1/4 of an inch. Can anyone help me with the best way to do that. I 've never done something like that. I was thinking of just using a piece of plastic card to cover hole then re-drill hole. Any on else have to do this....I really could use some advice on this!
  14. Here's a pic of me modifying my Rubies. I have been going by this nice tutorial : http://www.pdfescape.com/shared/?0BA51B5940F24C624D113B2D1FC940278CBBC66A1183AF32 I have added support brackets to the visor, bucket and the mask. Sanded down the label on the back and prepped it for a new paint and lens when it arrives. Then once the nose piece arrives I'll be adding that to. Still a lot to do but steady as she goes.....
  15. Thanks I'm going for the Lancer as well. Nice Photo!
  16. **Updated**
  17. Could someone please send me the contact info for the CB helmet thanks very much!
  18. Hey Guys, I hope you don't mind I just wanted to post this here, really for a way of me to keep track of my scout build. I have bought these components so far and waiting for them to arrive. Helmet - DONE Hard Armor - DONE Under suit - DONE Cummerbund - DONE Boots - DONE Gloves - DONE Hold-out Blaster - DONE Signed up on BSN - DONE Asked for approval - Not yet Updated 02/22/2015
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