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501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by uscstaylor

  1. If you want to weather it you can always drybrush some grey paint, will give it the weathered look. Good luck with it...
  2. I for one would definitely buy one as a back up, beautiful work so far!
  3. Good Luck Boss!
  4. Like Griffin said always Primer first this way it gives the paint something to hold onto. Use very light coats and don't rush it. Believe me it will always work out better for you!
  5. uscstaylor

    hi guys.

    Welcome Rob...
  6. He does make one, an awesome one for sure!
  7. Makes me wanna do another one.
  8. Great Job buddy, just a small bit of advice though. Move the pouches out from the lines in the bun a little and see if you can get your chest armor in closer unless your standing kinda funny then its perfect! Nice job!
  9. I have no doubt that you will work your magic, Bro
  10. Looking Good !
  11. Looking good man. You'll be trooping in no time! Good Luck...
  12. Thanks Boys!
  13. Thanks to everyone here who helped me with comments and insight! I'm a Biker Scout for life! http://www.501st.com/members/displaymemberdetails.php?userID=18311
  14. Nice!
  15. Good Luck and have fun with it. I did!
  16. Thanks John!
  17. Thanks Jim I did my friend and I even added elastic strips at the bottom of my undersuit to keep my legs from riding up!
  18. Yeah I am going for Lancer, and I took both of your advise and I raised my boxes, separated the belly pouches more, added velcro to the knees and the both arms. Now I'm looking scout SHARP. The belt I will drop down a bit that's just a matter of loosening the velcro in back. Thanks guys for the insight!
  19. No problem I plan on fine tuning it this weekend. Thanks
  20. I did what Chef said, it cost me 7.00 and I have plenty left over. I got it at PepBoys
  21. Sith go here and please follow Pandas thread, it was a great help to me and others. Look at the pics and read the instructions. You are doing a good job but you don't want to rush it...Keep strong! http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=9781
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