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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by BikerScoutDawn

  1. he made mine and 2 yrs (58 troops) later I am still using them !!!
  2. Griffin- your reply makes me even more mad at the lady that made my vest and cumberbund I will say this again guys DO NOT buy from the lady advertised on the sc site. I wish my vest was long enough to go under my cumberbun...I had to have it altered and it does with adjustments. I am ordering all new soft parts
  3. Congrats pathfinder!!
  4. CRAP- I forgot Velcro and I don't know why cause that stuff is the life of your suit I swear. Its on like every piece. So yes Velcro, elastic, sandpaper (smooth for sure) and then I learned the hard way you need to have a "traveling" kit cause when I did my first troop my detonator fall apart and I didn't have e6000 on me. Luckily other troopers had some and helped put me back together again. E6000 is the best adhesive I have found and will come in handy and in a lot of areas in your kit. Not for all of it- but a lot of areas.
  5. If the helmet is from SC and you will have it assembled then it will come ready to go and Jeff does a fantastic job. As to the rest of it you will still possibly have some trimming to do especially around the edges of areas- in the belts openings, the sides of the chest and back pieces etc and then you will have sanding to do- lots of sanding to make it nice and soft. Get the highest grade sandpaper you can find to make it really smooth.
  6. For what its worth DO NOT hire the lady suggested on the sc site for the cummberbun and vest I had nothing but issues and still dealing with issues as it is !!! Just a heads up. I second the sc kit and bucket- they have great quality and great customer service Wampa wear for the gloves I commissioned out my boots - Chrisx909 did them and did a great job I also have the redcap flight suit- after altering its working great- sized for me
  7. So I had my first troop last night, it was a blast ! I learned I need to pack a med kit of tools in case of breaks as my detonator end removed and I had nothing. Luckily others had e6000 on them, what a relief! ! I also learned I need to have tighter straps on my elbow pieces cause they kept wanting to fall down in the tight crowded areas of people and needed adjusting. Anyhow, my question, before I wreck my suit and softparts. How do I clean it now , cause it definately got warm even my bells had sweat under them. My flight suit had the real suede. Sink wash? Everything else? Sorry if sounds dumb I just don't want to mess this up now that its finally done.
  8. I am only 5'3 but bigger and love my sc kit. I can tell you right now Jeff is FANTASTIC to work with at SC and if I ever need anything again -which I am sure I will- I will only get it from Jeff. Except better detonator clips - those I need to find from someone better. But I love my SC kit and bucket.
  9. I would also suggest joining the ladies of the legions fb page too ...
  10. it didn't feel fast on this end let me tell you.....stalking my email felt forever now to troop on Saturday at the local baseball game !!!
  11. APPROVED!!!! BikerScoutDawn is the newest member of the great lakes garrison
  12. I agree on the side view of the pouches but unsure how to fix that- in person they look fine. As to the bucket I fixed it I think - my hair is thick and was up in a bun. But all the same I appreciate your input, and everyone elses!
  13. I have to do new photos....guess these are dark. By the time I get approved I will be real good at getting this on. Or I will be divorced cause my husband will be sick of doing this for me (lol) yes it has ribbing. I am going to go get dressed (again) and I will upload the new photo link here in a few.
  14. hopefully the link works its the only way I can figure out how to upload more then one photo here
  15. http://s429.photobucket.com/user/Dawn_Levian/library/?sort=3&page=1 Here are my pre-clearance photo's - all of them this time In one of them I have a comparison of 1st submit and corrected
  16. The biggest thing I needed to confirm, which you have is validation that the pouches should not overlap the belt. No matter how I adjusted my cumberbun or belt they were just too darn big. I've since taken them in to someone else and she's making them smaller. They were made by the lady suggestedon the sc page and its just one of many things I've had to have adjusted so I guess I'm not surprised these are wrong too. Its ok, a little adjusting and then I should be approved. It was the only thing they commented on in my reply email on my submitted photos. Now heres hoping after that I'm good to go
  17. I need to fix my cumberbun- need to make it longer so it does not show the vest and also make the pouches smaller per a email I received from my garrison. When I get it realtered and take new photos I will find a way to resubmit a whole bunch on here. In the meantime thank you all for your help= I appreciate it
  18. I dont know how to get it to allow me to add more photos it says my limit has been met (?)
  19. Nothing in my ear its a sc bucket and out together by sc
  20. Ive rounded my bells and I'm working on the belt suggestions I received also...thank you
  21. I tried with more photos but it wouldnt let me for some reason
  22. My bells only had the t strap at the top ive made one now for around the bottom and yes on the ribs of the cumberbun
  23. 1- the front view I see I am standing lopsided- the crotch is not like that normally Otherwise - need your thoughts
  24. I'm 5'3 and there is only 9 inches between the bottom of the chest and top of the belt currently the poclets made for me overlap the belt and she says it has to be that way, i say I doubt thats approvable
  25. I should add that to the way they are right now does not allow a space between the chest plate and the belt it overlaps the belt and is too long
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