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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Whereswa11y

  1. Thanks mate. Really appreciate the support. I'd like to stay as clear of politics as possible! Just trying to support local pathfinders, share my love of "bad guys doing good" and have fun along the way. :-)
  2. Hi, I'm looking at starting an ART however Terror Australis Garrison covers most of Australia. I've started discussions with my squad leader and she has recommended that I initiate duscussions with our CO. If it works out to be politically challenging, is it ok for me to initiate an informal group in my squad and then grow it to an ART when we are more established? cheers
  3. Thanks guys. These really help. I think I'll give it a go. The sideshow one doesnt have a tripod and has a slightly diifferent shoulder stock, bitvevertjing else looks very similar. ☺
  4. Thanks mate. This is a lot better than the other pics I've seen. Much appreciated. I think it is a bit different from a dl19 though... they describe it as an e11 sniper rifle.
  5. Hi guys, I'm keen to build the sniper rifle that comes withe the sidshow scout trooper. Would someone mind taking some photos for me from the side and looking directly down at the rifle from the top? ☺
  6. Thanks. Does the fibreglass peel off? A friend of mine tested it for me but said that it seemed like it could peel off easily... any special preparation?
  7. Hi, I've got a crack in a similar place on my holster. Did you only put the fibreglass on the back of the crack?
  8. Hi, what is CA glue? I'm trying to fixcracks too. Cheers
  9. SUPER cheap ebay special :-) My expensive one didn't do too well in a recent wash :-(
  10. Hi i have a KS helmet and I've wirn glasses with it ☺
  11. Hi! Ive requested to join scout team 6 as an observer. Is that ok? I'm looking to upgrade to lancer and have started helping out a couple prospective scouts too ☺
  12. Nice! I like the detail. Great job!
  13. This gear looks great. I think its time to give my gear a tune up :-)
  14. Looking really good. My attempt has a long way to go!
  15. Wow the stuff on the link looks great. A bit out of my price range though.
  16. Any updates or photos? This is looking great!
  17. Hi David. I have big round head and my ks helmet fits fine. I dont think i could fit fans in there though... no need really. My helmet was se cond hand. Hope that helps. SC helmets were quite snug for me. all the best
  18. Looks cool. I'm looking a buying a helmet soon. What made you decide to go with sc rather than ks? I have a big (ish) head and am considering a ks as they are supposed to be a bit bigger.
  19. Thanks guys. I like the double-sided tape idea. Is it hard to take off if it gets placed in the wrong spot, ie is there a special solvent/substance to use that doesn't damage the ABS, eg eucalyptus oil?
  20. Thanks guys. I think I'll give it a go. I'm just going to double check prices and postage (to Perth, Western Australia) and put in an order. Ive tried to find an online tutorial but haven't had any luck. Have either of you come across one?
  21. Hi I've started working my way through the forums and have decided to buy either a ks or sc helmet and assemble it myself. I haven't done anything like this before. How hard is it to do? Do the come with good, clear instructions? Any advice?
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