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PFD Recruit
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Everything posted by iRawr

  1. Hey sorry no updates in a while. I have made a little progress but i had little to no internet or free time the past month. Stuff in Egypt has been keeping us busy i also moved so did not have my armor for about 3 weeks so ill be posting up what i have done in the next day or so. Thanks guys.
  2. Ok cool I figured I would try something like that Dylan. I was going to Velcro the ends in place inside the boxes so I would have adjustability.
  3. Thanks for your support. and it seems like we have a very similar build about to happen. Good luck on yours. Yes i guess ill use whatever i have laying around. So i got to cutting today and yesterday. It's taking longer then i thought I don't want to over cut something and make it look like crap. So ill get the piece i want to work on ill sand the edges by hand with some 100 grit then 250 grit sand paper rounding out corners and making stuff smooth. I'll go over it again when i get my dremel in the mail to what exactly i want it to be. Then ill use a pencil and rough trace out how i want to cut into my armor. Like this ^ Then when I'm satisfied with what it will look like i will drill pilot holes into the plastic. then kinda use the drill to "cut" through the plastic. I'm using what i have. its a thin hole and my lexicon scissors don't fit. Then ill use my exacto knife and start to trim the plastic and make it wider. Then ill sand it with 100 grit and then again with 250. do some test fits and then once im happy ill move on. I did both sides and sanded the inside part of the holes with some 100 to make it rough for when i put my Snaps in to hold my belt like panda. The snap plastic I'm going to use. Started on the drop boxes i didn't know how big to make the holes so i did 4cm by 1cm. seems to work i wanted to have it not bid or be restricted. And the movie guys boxes look kinda similar. Same pilot holes then cut with scissors then used the knife. Pre-sanded and make pretty. I don't have any pics of it done at the moment. **For anyone thinking about taking this project on make sure you take your time on everything don't rush into it. I enjoy my time doing this ill talk to people in the barracks or listen to music while i do it. I'm glad that i don't have my bund or flight suit or boots yet. it makes me think i have more time for the armor. If not i might be trying to rush through the whole process. Q: How are are you guys judging how far the box hangs from the belt? like the space total?
  4. Thanks guys. So after i let my stuff dry I was playing with the plastic and I was using Epoxy to put on my T-bits and tank cover but it seems that it didn't like to bond and wasn't secure so I'm gonna have to wait a little bit for my E6000 to get out here they wouldn't ship it to my APO address. i guess i can move onto cutting of some of the parts on the belt. more to follow!
  5. Hi all and welcome to my build page. I am super excited to be starting this. I pulled the trigger because i have quite a bit of extra funds seeing as i am Non-Combat deployed to Egypt. Tax free for the year i'm here. Having that said I have to have 100% of everything shipped out to me so it takes a while if i forget anything. I do have a few parts i can "borrow with no intention of returning" from work. I am a crew-chief/repairer on a UH-60 black hawk. Yes this is a US ARMY Blackhawk, Its a special mission in Egypt that we have to have dumb paint. This is my normal work uniform. I will be using PandaTroopers build as sort of a template for my build. So now on to the build. Helmet - cucblack Blaclava - UnderArmor Flightsuit - cucblack Armor - Studio Creations Cumberbund - cucblack Gloves - Wampa Wear Boots - Marcel Blaster - Darth Voorhees So i got all of this yesterday in the mail. Very Excite! I spent about an hour opening and inspecting and organizing all of my stuff. Happy camper so far. I got started today and figured i would start on the tank since I'm waiting for a few more things in the mail. The circle thing that goes on top wouldn't fit so i sanded down the inside of the tank topper a little and 2 sides of the circle plastic piece so it would fit. The first thing i could find for a counter weight for the clips was my camera doh! So i used my iPad for these pictures lol I got the bicep* pieces glued on today as well.
  6. They are a bit smaller i ordered and XL and they fit great. I looked at lancer standards and it seems to meet all of the criteria besides the little clips on the side which is easily cut off. These clips. The "zipper cut out" The pocket with zipper hidden for cash, credit cards or whatever. its about 4inches by 4inches. The top of the gloves with V cut out and 4 ribs on knuckles and the swede on the fingers. The bottem of them the thumb has the swede as well. Hope this helps all!
  7. I think he said he got the flight suit from cucblack.
  8. Try contacting Cucblack he makes them to your specifications!
  9. Any update on this? I have the same idea as ewok hunter. Flight helmet face shield.
  10. Ok so just getting clarification. The flak vest is a full sized shirt and the cod piece (triangle crotch part) connects to that? Then the bund is worn over the vest and the belt worn on the bottom of the bund? Sorry if this is a dumb question I'm still new. -Mark
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