Hi all and welcome to my build page. I am super excited to be starting this. I pulled the trigger because i have quite a bit of extra funds seeing as i am Non-Combat deployed to Egypt. Tax free for the year i'm here. Having that said I have to have 100% of everything shipped out to me so it takes a while if i forget anything. I do have a few parts i can "borrow with no intention of returning" from work. I am a crew-chief/repairer on a UH-60 black hawk.
Yes this is a US ARMY Blackhawk, Its a special mission in Egypt that we have to have dumb paint.
This is my normal work uniform.
I will be using PandaTroopers build as sort of a template for my build. So now on to the build.
Helmet - cucblack
Blaclava - UnderArmor
Flightsuit - cucblack
Armor - Studio Creations
Cumberbund - cucblack
Gloves - Wampa Wear
Boots - Marcel
Blaster - Darth Voorhees
So i got all of this yesterday in the mail. Very Excite!
I spent about an hour opening and inspecting and organizing all of my stuff.
Happy camper so far.
I got started today and figured i would start on the tank since I'm waiting for a few more things in the mail. The circle thing that goes on top wouldn't fit so i sanded down the inside of the tank topper a little and 2 sides of the circle plastic piece so it would fit.
The first thing i could find for a counter weight for the clips was my camera doh! So i used my
iPad for these pictures lol
I got the bicep* pieces glued on today as well.