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Ewok Hunter

501st Legion Member
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Everything posted by Ewok Hunter

  1. Guessing that's like us here saying 3 dollar bill?
  2. I'd like to see how this finishes. When I was in the Army I was a crew chief on Blackhawks and our helicopter pilot and aircrew helmets were open face since we didn't need the air supply mask that jet pilots in the Air Force need. However we had problems with landings when we had open doors in sandy environments like Iraq and Afghanistan, so we got issued some black masks that were like paintball masks that helped keep out the dust. They were plain plastic so we got some stencils and white spray paint to put various images on like skull mouths and Spiderman/Venom style masks. I would have loved to have had a SW theme on mine.
  3. Is it comfortable and sturdy enough to wear trooping? Would it pass at least basic acceptance? Anyone know if it came assembled like that or did it need assembly? For ~$370 plus shipping, it might not be too bad if it's ready to go straight out of the box. Or too expensive (for me) for a display piece.
  4. I also ordered one from him yesterday. I'm in the same boat with a large large head, neck, shoulders and chest, plus over 6 feet tall. The larger helmet should look better on me than one of the smaller helmets would. I tried on an uncompleted SC and it was feeling a bit snug. Here's to hoping US Customs works quickly.
  5. I might have to look into CB's helmet then. My hat size is 7 7/8, and this has become a worry for me, ordering a helmet and then finding out it won't fit over my dome.
  6. FedEx just dropped my DLT-19 off. Now I can be one of the cool kids.
  7. Not trying to be rude, but any chance on getting the info for getting one of these? I just want to be as cool as the other people with one. (I don't know who Lewis is....)
  8. I ordered some from their website on Friday and got them in the mail yesterday. They look great and seem good quality. Only a slight problem in that they are a little tight, but I chalk that up to my fault for not measuring prior to ordering. I usually wear a large in gloves, but these will still work once I wear them a bit. I can still make a fist so I am not too worried.
  9. So was it a one time deal for you or is it safe to contact either Lewis or SureFire for a rifle?
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