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501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by Bootstrap

  1. Are my pouches to big? There is only about an inch from the bottom of the pouch to the bottom of the Cummerbund
  2. here is a picture of the pouch.
  3. Cummerbund my seamstress made.Let me know what you think
  4. Before I go further...there's this (for lack of a better term) bubble at the toe of my boot. Is this going to be acceptable for being approved? I would really hate to start all over. Any input?
  5. Any body own a pair of these gloves? Would they be approved? http://www.amazon.com/Star-Wars-Biker-Scout-Gloves/dp/B00GVLN2P2/ref=pd_rhf_se_p_tnr_8
  6. Actually a couple of questions. I'm planning on getting my armor from sc ,is it better to buy the helmet from the same source? Also how much modifications would a don post helmet need to be approved?
  7. What boots are those? Any idea what model they are?
  8. Is painting the sole acceptable? For some reason I'm having a hard time finding tan sole shoes here. If I do paint which product is best
  9. Thanks for your input. I do think I'm going to try and find something with a softer sole. Ill post pictures when I start
  10. Here's a first pic..ill work on getting more
  11. Thanks for the advice
  12. I'm planning on ordering the scout kit. My question is: what major modifications will I have to do when ordering this? I've noticed people on the forum asking for parts and modifications tips. What will I be getting into when ordering this...or will it be acceptable "out of the box"
  13. Getting started on the boots today but had a question on the boots I'm using. Right now I have a used pair tan (desert) combat boots. Will these suffice for boots? The soles are a little dirty from mud (hunting ,airport,paintball) will that be ok for the look?
  14. Hey everyone. Been looking at gloves today. I saw some on ebay that were biker scout "inspired" but wasn't sure if those are good enough. Has anybody made or modified gloves to make them more accurate? I know for fact I have a pair of leather gloves around but would need modification
  15. Hello all. As I'm starting my build I have a simple question (forgive me if the answer is already out there) How tight should the under suit be? I understand not under armour tight but not baggy either? Any clarification?
  16. Hello everyone. I am just getting started and the local 501st guys referred me over here. Basically I am looking for where /who to buy from. Ive been told to stay away from certain websites (ebay included) Ultimately Im looking for what it will cost me. I know this hobby isnt cheap and im prepared for that , however my wife wants a hard number to see. If anyone can give me any advice or recommendations I would really appreciate it
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