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501st Pathfinder
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About star-trooper

  • Birthday 06/24/1960

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  1. I have checked with NP and he said that they are able to adjust it.
  2. But I think it shouldn’t be an issue as those vertical strips are just decals and could be easily positioned in the correct place. Other than that, I think it should be acceptable.
  3. I was also thinking of getting a Newimage Prop helmet too. But somehow the back part of the helmet doesn’t look right. Shouldn’t the vertical strips be in line with the trapezoids? Please correct me if I am wrong.
  4. Hi i am also looking for 3D files for the Dlt-20A, does anyone know the actual length of the Dlt-20A? The trigger portion from April Storm seems abit too big. Isn’t it? The overall length is almost 1.1m. Might need to reduce it by 10 to 15%.
  5. Thanks for the quick response. I will following your build very closer. Building mine at this moment too.
  6. How many snaps did you provide for each boot? 2?
  7. My PT is still with Denis and it is almost finish any day now according to him. Hopefully can get it ready for approval before May the Fourth. Stay tune guys.
  8. Happy Retirement Marcel. Thanks for the great work done for the Biker Scout detachment. best wishes.
  9. Congratulations 🎉
  10. And 1 can is sufficient
  11. Thanks
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