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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Flykiller

  1. Thank you for the advice !
  2. Hi there ! I'm about to start my armor, and I think I'll start with the helmet. I own a fiberglass helmet. I've read on this forum that any kind of white painting should be good. I would like a confirmation If you know a tutorial about it... If you have an idea of a particular paint that I could find easily whatever the country I live in... Thank you very much for any help !
  3. Thanks for your answer. I have been told only black lenses would be admited for pathfinder or lancer. You have used it only on TK armors or scout too ?
  4. Hi there ! I would like to know if the dark green lenses (sold by TB) http://trooperbay.com/bikerscout-dark-green-lens-material.html are fine if I want to be validated Lancer, or at least 501st Member ? Thank you
  5. Armor received. I've been waiting 18 months.
  6. Has someone already talked to him about the yellow problem ? PS : I hope to be delivered in the 18th month...
  7. 17 months and still not delivered
  8. "Now, I haven't tried to talk to Cal yet about my latest problem yet, but I woke up this morning and discovered that my belt has yellowed. It has never been outside, I've always kept it my box-o-parts, and I'm not sure if the rest of the armor will follow suit. The quality on MC kits are historically above standard, but this is one of a few instances where I'm thinking the quality is declining. ----> Ouch !
  9. I m still waiting for mine. (Ordered in March 2014)
  10. I ordered it the 29th of march and I m still in queue.
  11. Then I don't understand why I still haven't received mine.
  12. When did you receive it, Thunder scout ? These last months ?
  13. Thank you for your advices. Would you mind telling how long exactly you waited ?
  14. I've received the same mail as Netslave today for my scout armor. "I've been told that my order is just waiting on some screws to be delivered. Once they are, it'll be boxed, and shipped." I'm glad to have received some news. Even if I've been waiting for 64 weeks (and haven't been delivered yet) I'll be happy to get my stuff. Darth Voorhees, the fact is I don't know "these guys" myself so it's not easy to trust someone you don't know when it's a long time you gave him your money without receiving anything. I mean, 'these guys' could be thiefs and keep money from people... I'm now sure it's not what is going to happen. I just look forward to receive my stuff.. I will then manage to tell exactly how much time it took to order an armor from Mon Cal in 2014-2015. (sorry for my approximative english)
  15. Well I think you didn't understand I paid my order in March of the last year...
  16. I think they don t. I have paid on march and I m waiting for information about my status in queue.
  17. Can you please tell me when you placed your order Netslave ?
  18. I'm waiting for an answer myself. I'll let you know what he told me.
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