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501st Legion Member
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Everything posted by mr_hair

  1. My CB helmet does seem to be a touch bigger than most of the scouts I see, but I prefer that to be honest. I think it looks a bit more screen accurate. Sometimes helmets look slightly out of proportion to the rest, especially the shoulders. I love my CB helmet & will always recommend getting one. Also, if the pic of the trooper you mention at the top of this is me (as you PM'd me about this, I'm not being arrogant), I'm a short a*$e so that might explain why it looks extra big.
  2. I had the same issue. I ended up taking them to a leather alteration place & they took the flare in a bit so now they sit straight. As for the dexterity...that's the deal I'm afraid. You'll just have to put your gloves on last...
  3. I just went to a scrap metal dealer. Got an A2 sheet for about a fiver.
  4. Yep we have a few smaller scouts in the UKG, including myself. Nothing wrong with being a Bonzai Biker!
  5. I had foam, but have just put in a hard hat liner so I can get more air circulating now it's getting warmer.
  6. You need to have holes in the ears, then glue some black fabric on the inside mate
  7. Haha sure
  8. Kickstand? Although you should be keeping your lid firmly closed trooper ;-)
  9. Or just search 35mm elastic. Should be plenty on there...
  10. You could try getting some white Milliput and resculpting round the holes. Once the Milliput dries you can sand it down to get a smooth finish & blend it into the helmet.
  11. Okay crisis averted. On with the barbecue....
  12. Not absolutely essential, but a palm sander is pretty handy
  13. Hope this helps...
  14. I'd also soften the weathering a tad if I was you mate. Bit heavy on the chest plate.
  15. Sleeves still look a little long mate. They should finish just under the shoulder bell. Looks like you could lose an inch or so. With the riding patch, don't think it really matters which method you use so long as in stays on. Although, machine is probably best. It can be done, you just need the right machine.
  16. Hello Troopers! Thought I would share with you my cheap & easy method of scratch building thermal detonator clips. Things you will need: Aluminium sheet Black paint 2x zip tie Sharpie A4 paper 3mm HSS-R drill bit & dremel Ruler Needle files Massive scissors First up, draw out a template on some paper... These are the measurements for my TD, but they may vary depending on which make you have. It should fit like this... Next, grab your sharpie & draw round the template onto the aluminium... ...and cut out with those massive scissors Then draw on where the holes on the inside are going to go... Drill round where you have just marked... Take your needle files and start taking out the rest of the middle bits Now for a bit of here's one I made earlier... File down any jagged bits so it's all neat, paint the ends black & bend like so. You should have something like this... Next, slide two zip ties round the back of the tube in your TD Pop the metal clips in... And you're done!
  17. Good work Trooper!
  18. Pah...tis only a scratch. You don't want to look like one of those poncy, shiny TKs now do you? Go out there & get your hands dirty trooper!
  19. Yeah, think I might delegate the sewing part....
  20. That did cross my mind actually. Although the second hand shops round my way are a bit grotty, so adorning my inner thighs with their wares could be a dicey move...
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