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501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by Quinxx44

  1. Just got approved!!! Waiting on ID number now
  2. CRL here says 0-6, CRL on the 501st website doesn't specify
  3. I second this voucher! Chris makes an awesome product. Highly recommend
  4. Anyone who needs boots, hit Chris up! He was super quick, and very helpful. The boots are also great quality as well!
  5. Yeah, I did notice that. Il probably just fold it under and re-sew, or just cut it and sew
  6. Hey guys, heres my scout! Getting ready to submit. Any feedback welcome! Note: i Know Im not at lancer yet, doing additions steadly over time. New belt is inbound, and am adding the second knee strap now
  7. Asking what the best helmet is, is like asking which car is the best. There are so many variables. Are you trooping or showing? Build or pre built? Screen accurate or basic shape? Large or small head? Budget or deep pockets? The list goes on...
  8. SC will always get my vote. MC is great, and very helpful (I just ordered a new bucket and belt) but the wait is very long. A full set will most likely have you waiting upwards of a year. SC is quick, equally helpful, and nice quality. They have some pulls which are a little soft, but nothing too major.
  9. CRL calls for cotton fabric.
  10. My undersuit is a chunk. It's great. Just message him and he'll let you know everything he needs from you
  11. Personally, I attach the straps to my Bund and wear black suspenders that go under my flak vest so they are totally hidden. No droop!
  12. Well, along the same lines of this, ive been making some corrections and tweaks as i ready to submit my 501st application, and found what I had once forgotten..... This In my infinite wisdom i used the non clear epoxy and used a bit too much..... any ideas on how to get rid of this eye sore? more importantly, would this hold up my 501st approval?
  13. SC is great! Quick, and solid. I love mine. Pandatroopers tutorial in the armor section is awesome! For soft parts, check the soft parts section. There are patterns and tutorials pinned there. Good luck, and ask any questions you may have!
  14. So the rubbing alcohol worked! The problem was the scuffs had made some scratches so I couldn't rub them out normally. Needed the extra "umph" of the rubbing alcohol. This is the second knee pad after i already had done the first one, which was worse. Thank you Panda! and Everyone else as well! (I know there are some weathered scouts screaming at their screen right now ... Maybe sometime I'll weather..) Before: After:
  15. Good to know. So light wet sanding with say 1000, 1500, then 2000 grit, and then respraying a gloss would be a bad idea?
  16. Might try this. Thanks for your insight!
  17. Haha, thought about it, but I like my clean scout... Maybe though. Still wondering about a fix in the meantime If someone has a weathering tutorial, I would greatly appreciate that as well! In particular how to weather the bund and boots
  18. So at some point, my SC knees got scuffed and now have black marks that I can't seem to get rid of. Does anybody know of tricks to get rid of them? And if not what paint combo will closely come the ABS stock color?
  19. Yeah... Sorry to say but you probably should of just built yourself. The KS is arguably the least accurate of the kits as well
  20. Ah, that would be different and key bit of info, lol. Carry on
  21. You're probably still far back in the queue if you only ordered in March... Considering it hasn't been the minimum amount of weeks they give in their time estimates...
  22. Well you'll need a plastic oriented one, and primer. As for exact brands, I couldn't say.. My TB is still a shiny new one, so I just stuck with the base ABS. I know on my EVA foam ODST, I used Rustoleum 2X, but that was foam... So not really the same
  23. Is it already painted? I ask because if you repaint, and the paints aren't the same brand/type, you can get some really nasty bubbling
  24. I know with my SC kit, that had i really buckled down, and worked straight through, I could have knocked it out in a weekend. Instead, it took about a week and a half working on it for a few hours each night after work.
  25. As far as I know, CB is still a buyer beware.
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