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Everything posted by Ketchup

  3. From what I understand, the only helmets that have trouble clearing Lancer are Rubies/DP and KS if it's not constructed properly. There are a couple things about the MLC that aren't accurate (the number of indents on the back being the main one I'm thinking of), but I don't think that's a concern, they just need to have the right bolt covers, decals, and greeblie. (Please, PLEASE correct me if I'm wrong there...I'd rather make mods before I start painting than after. Lol!)
  4. It has finally begun... I picked this up last week, but haven't had the opportunity to mess with it until now, thanks to the flu. Lol. This thread will detail my journey with my new MC kit and MLC v3 helmet. I do intend to build this kit for future Lancer submission, and will be looking for constant advice, maybe to the point of being annoying. I'm really freaking excited about this build... The costume has been my favorite ever since I was a kid, and I'm really passionate about it. I don't know how many hours of sleep I've lost from falling down the rabbit hole here on the BS.N, researching build threads and Lancer requirements. The tank is already assembled with decals and everything, and I'm going to start by painting up the helmet. So stay tuned...
  5. Just wanted to say that I showed your sealing iron trick to my Mando Merc clan and they freaking love it. I get asked about it at armor parties all the time.
  6. I ordered 5 meters of the stuff with the same thought in mind. There probably aren't many people in my garrison who want to upgrade, but I figured I'd get my hands on a good chunk of it and see if anyone on this side is interested in the inevitable extra.
  7. Say whaaaaaa you have Chef parts?? Lol. I'd love to take a look at it when you've got Weir together. (Edit: I totally forgot you were doing the swampie build. XD)
  8. I did find some by-the-meter, on-the-roll on ebay as well. Multiple sizes, including 35 mm. Again, overseas, but there's no way around that with this strap width. (Looks like they might be out of stock soon, though... But given how much they have sold in the past, they might have more in the future. I went ahead and got myself some.) As for the discussion, I have to agree that it looks like the 1.5" cotton webbing used on the thigh boxes, between the front and back pieces of the armor. The 45 mm might be a good compromise between that and the current 2" standard, but it's even harder to find than the 35 mm. To that end, I'll throw my proverbial bucket into the same ring as Pandatrooper and batninja; it would seem more logical to assume imperial widths on the original costumes since they were mostly likely made in the US. Then again, assumptions can be dangerous. Lol. Don't you guys wish we could just hop in a DeLorean and go back in time, measuring tape in-hand?
  9. Beautiful! Stupid-excited about my MC kit now. Can't wait to see all the build progress on yours!
  10. Personally, I prefer body suits and flight suits for everything, because they will move with your body better than two separate pieces. Just my own personal experience with other costumes, though. I know of plenty other people who love having two piece undersuits, so it's totally up to you. I'm also not a fan of wearing my costume on bathroom breaks, so I take most of it off anyway. Lol
  11. Oh, I'm jazzed that the MLCv3 already has a chin cup! That's the one I'm getting, and I was wondering how I would have to install that chin cup... AWESOME! The snout pieces that MC makes are the most accurate, to my knowledge, and they're designed to go with the MLC helmet.
  12. What exactly do you need to do to mod your helmet? I read there's a chin cup requirement for Lancer, and as far as I know, none of the helmets you can get come with one... Can't wait to see your boot mod process, too. Like yours, mine will (most likely) be two-toned soles, so advice on painting them to match will be most welcome.
  13. Love that you modified the gloves! I just got my SA gloves ordered, and I'm afraid they might be too big and bulky for my little girl hands. Lol! I'll see if I can do something similar to what you did.
  14. Got mine! Thank you for posting this. I understand these gloves can be hard to come by. They had a pair in Small for a discounted price of $40 + $10 shipping. Pretty happy with that.
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