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501st Legion Member
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Everything posted by Ketchup

  1. Sounds good! Should be easy enough.
  2. Okay everyone, here’s the boot: Boot candidate The upper sole is a slightly different shade of tan, matching the body of the boot. I have no idea if it will look better if I cut into it? I will see. I still can’t find the Ozark Trail boots. Boo. Lmk your thoughts!
  3. I ordered them and they should be here on Friday! I will let y’all know, then. Although, as a warning, they went up in price by like $20. I’m sure they will come back down at some point, because it’s how Amazon rolls. I will keep y’all updated!
  4. I had the same thought! I’m going to go ahead and get them and let y’all know how they look. If they’re good, they could be an excellent base boot for a great price!
  5. I found these while trying to find the Ozark boots, but no joy on those at my local Wal-Marts or online. Sadly, my feet are riiiiight at the size 7 mark. For $30 and easy Amazon returns, I will get them and see how they are in person!
  6. Thank you!! Now, to figure out how to get there… LOL
  7. Hey everyone! I need to make new boots! (Mine are no longer Lancer-approvable.) I found these base boots on Amazon and was wondering if they’d fly for a base for Lancer boots, with the cutouts, of course. The soles look like the same color all the way around, to me. Mickey said they’d be good for basic, but wanted to check with the peanut gallery to see if they’d be okay for Lancer.
  8. Question, boss… I’m not quite to approval yet. I need my suit (and thus riding patches), boots, and cod/bund remade for weight loss. I’m gonna try to submit for basic before then, but Idk if I will have time. Would it be okay if I sent you my pictures beforehand, if I can pull it off, and have like, a prelim go-ahead to participate?
  9. I just found the ImperialSurplus bolt kit thread. I'm actually pretty sure that's where I got them years ago! Thanks again, Mickey!
  10. Okay, that sounds simple enough. I suppose I was too afraid to do it back then. Heh. I will need to find some replacement 3M bolts... mine disappeared into the ether some time ago. I'm sure there's a thread here for them. Thanks for the advice!!
  11. Thanks, Mickey, you're the best!
  12. You know, it hadn't occurred to me that there is probably a 3D print file of the thing nowadays... **facepalm**
  13. Hey there everyone! Long time no post for me. I am finally on some good ADHD meds that are helping me get costume stuff done! I am finishing up my scout after... **gulp** almost ten years of having it? One of the final bits I need are the Lancer-spec concave visor bolts. I had a set of the 3M bolts, but they do not fit in the Altmann because they have a square protrusion below the cap and before the screw, which will not fit into the Altmann bolt location. I heard Spike had Lancer-spec bolt covers for them, but I am waiting to hear back from him, so I thought I might source possible solutions from Lancers with Altmann lids. Many thanks in advance! Hope to be officially among y'all soon...
  14. That's a shame. I have had an Altmann for years and I love it so much. I totally understand forgetting about stuff (Type I ADHD here) but Spike really should have done more for you. I have had all the same positive experiences you did, though. Hopefully it's a fluke. 😕
  15. Brilliant!
  16. Oooo, I might have to cut slots in my lid to do that. Currently, I have velcro on that edge to help keep my lid shut, but I can probably come up with a different solution. Gotta drill holes in it to get the hard hat liner installed, might as well cut into it, too! Haha
  17. Been looking for some examples of how people installed their chin cups, but not coming up with much. I'd love to see how you guys have done it, so I can follow by example!
  18. You should be able to order the pigskin suede online from Tandy - if your local store runs out, that's what I'd do.
  19. Hi there! If you haven't already (I see you posted a while ago), find your way to the Mountain Garrison boards www.mg501.com and sign up for public access. You will be able to see our Cantina, where we post about armor parties, and the WIP threads so that you can get advice from the locals! Feel free to also PM me or neoakaj with questions - I'm in the Denver area, but Jason is in the Springs. We're both doing Lancer builds and love the scout. There aren't a lot of scouts active in the garrison, but we hope to change that! I'm Ketchup on the Mountain Garrison boards, so come find us!
  20. I think I have... three bunds? That's not counting all the ones that were started and then shelved when I either got too big/small for them. My weight fluctuates due to a couple of medical conditions I have, so it's practical for me to have multiple sizes handy... I'm lucky my mom sews! It may be worth trying to sew up some test bunds for yourself, so that you can make one that will pass muster for now, and maybe get one done by a vendor for when you hit your target weight. Easier said than done, maybe, but could be worth it in the long run. Bunds are fairly forgiving as far as a first sewing project goes. The suit may be best to wait to tailor until you hit your target weight, though. But I think you could probably get away with starting on the riding patch and butt flap now.
  21. As a thick-thigh lady, great advice here. Make sure the cod does not go between your legs, is not pulled tight, and has some sort of reinforcement. (I use 3 mm EVA foam in mine, works great!)
  22. Back from Dragon Con, with a laundry list of stuff I need to tweak! Unfortunately, I think I got the pouches too long and will need to re-make them. Will also need a better way of securing them to the chest plate than with velcro - I darn near lost one because I caught it on my arm while I was gesturing wildly about. Haha! Also, my flight suit is rather baggy - for as difficult as it is for me to get into and out of it (curse things made for skinny men!) the arms and legs have a bit more room than they should and they bunch like crazy. Bund needs to be completely re-done, but what I had worked for Dragon Con purposes. So what I've got left: - Make pouches shorter (and probably narrower, too) - Tailor coveralls so arms and legs aren't so baggy - Make riding patch and butt flap - Re-make cummerbund and cod - Obtain a flak vest - Replace helmet bolts with 3M ones - Cut notches in toes of boots (mine were made before that was a Lancer requirement) It's quite a bit, but everything is wearable and it's SO CLOSE I CAN TASTE IT. I'll have to put everything on and take a picture to show you guys so I can get feedback on anything I may have missed. Oh, and while I'm thinking about it - any recommendations on how to get your biceps to stay up? My arms are a bit short, proportionally-speaking, and my bicep kept slipping down to my elbow. I think that's it for now.
  23. Hey bud! Long time no see! If you have questions about going Lancer, just let me know. I'm building mine to Lancer-spec, as well. What about the flight suit has you concerned? I can tell you right now that the thermal det clips Cal provides will not cut the mustard. HOWEVER, you can probably cut them to spec with a metal cutting wheel, no trouble. When we get our builds done and approved, we should get a ART together for the garrison. Edit: I highly recommend looking at the Lancer build tutorial thread, there's a lot of good stuff in there that could answer your questions, as well.
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