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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Ghost11c

  1. Standing by
  2. Matt, you beat me to it lol
  3. Much appreciated bud!
  4. these look pretty close https://www.statelinetack.com/item/tuffrider-mens-dress-boots/E007094 012 REG/?srccode=GPSLT&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI2dzIuqmA4AIVtf7jBx0vgACZEAkYASABEgLklPD_BwE
  5. Those look good. The soft goods are gonna cost more than my armor did lol
  6. Got a link for them?
  7. I thought so too, just wanted to confirm
  8. what kind of pants are they? I know Denis supplied the soft parts, but I will probably have to make my own. Can you take pics of the shirt too? Thanks Kit looks great.
  9. cool, that works. Im in the first batch of WTF orders and Im trying to gather all the soft parts before armor arrives. found some 1 inch white stripping to sew on it. Or is 1/2 inch better?
  10. so, is there a type of pants? like dickies or something commercial? I"ll sew on a white stripe no problem. Just trying to get a a starting point for them.
  11. How about these pants? Sew the pocket up.
  12. What are the pants? They handmade or sourced?
  13. You know what this means....shoretrooper swag!!
  14. I'm definitely willing to help out in Star
  15. says its out of bolivia. shipping might be crazy. theres plenty state side, check the trade forum
  16. heres your Iowa area troops http://www.501st.com/members/garrisonglance.php?garrisonId=6
  17. The SC kit comes with chin cup. Just got mine last month.
  18. Get with Kevin at Kwdesigns. He has what you seek.
  19. is there a pattern for the separate version? only finding the original
  20. this is basically unrelated, but whats with the thigh armor in this pic? could that be the purpose for the elastic on the thighs? just curious.
  21. did you just put velcro on your flight suit or the back of the bund for the cod to attach to? do you have anything keeping the bottom of the bund down?
  22. i used these too. worked great! solid color sole, comes in sizes up to 13. and the price is awesome. im thinking of buying a spare pair just in case.
  23. Ok, next question. in regards to assembly of SC helmet; When connecting the back of the helmet to the top, is the seam a problem? i haven't seen many pics from the top. was wondering if it should be filled and painted. anyone got pics?
  24. Where would I find a good helmet bag? The TK bags seem a little large. Or does everyone use the same one?
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