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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Mizuno

  1. e6000 is also fine, but takes longer to cure. I use both and have no problem with either of'em
  2. Try gorilla glue. Rivets might rip, but gurilla glue is like cement x.X I have rivets coming out of armor parts but never had any parts come apart which I glued with this stuff
  3. 10-15 cm is a bit much on the vest ^^;; thats about 6 inches 1-2 cm or 0.5-1 inchs below the shoulder bells perhaps, I would say. Regarding the riding patch, I guess you could glue it even, there are specialized glues for this, but I do not know how good it will hold up in the crotch area , so you might have to re-glue regulary. Otherwise try what chef said about sewing
  4. Are your strapings (beltboxes and chest) off wihte? Hard to see, but you have white pouches, so the straping needs to be white (not off white) too. If I did read the CRL right that is
  5. @jaycee9 : thanks thats exactly what I was looking for! @all: I needed some spare ones for a rather unconventional air conditioning in my TR for that I needed some of those hooks, so I can get the vans somewhere attached under my robe, but still be able to remove them (i.e. battery change) sounds strange I know but it will work
  6. jup, but as I put on alice clips on the bay it only got up with these: http://www.ebay.de/i...=item3f21660f2e and thats not the ones I was looking for, so I thought they had a different name
  7. Hey there, I need the name for the belt hooks which come with a MC kit. I need just a few of them for a different kind of work I tried google with "hooks" in general, but there are just to many of them o.O
  8. I used some plastik from an old yoguhrt pot on my breast and back plate.
  9. This sucks! Who would steal somethings so personal as armor parts? I don't get those people... :/ Hope it will be found
  10. could you give a link to this magic web? I wanted to know if we have this over here too currently figeting with the patches myself
  11. yup, MC and MLC helmet ^^ Still fiddling with the padding on the inside... might get the one from FP.... any suggestions? does anyone know the width of the strap on the chincup? I'll try pandatroopers approach on the breastplate and see how it fits for me. had to order some self adhesive velcro though... so I have to wait for this to arrive first XD after that I think I'll move to the flightsuit. must find some good suede in my area though....
  12. Hello, I Hope I'm in the right section here for this ^^;; Anyway I wanted to show you my armor Build, its slow (as I am building since January) but steady, whenever I find the time for it this is my helmet so far ^^ the backpack: and thats how my working table looked like in january: I am currently on the cest armor and this is at least the grey detail bit which is ready: the upper arm parts incl details facing forwards as in the movie: the belt:
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