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501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by pleasum

  1. Thanks for the heads up guys! I ordered mine today. This was the last piece for me. I have purchased three different pairs of gloves with the intent of altering them. These are going to save me a whole bunch of headache!!
  2. I ordered and received my KS. It took about 2 and 1/2 months which is pretty good. Overall, it's a decent bucket but after close inspection there is some alteration that needs to happen. Particularly with the visor. Looking straight on at the helmet the bolts aren't at an even height, and the top of the visor needs to be tacked down somehow to the faceplate. There is one area next to the right ear that is a bit rough. This is all outside of the obvious stuff like the snout, bolts, and decals. I think it's just a matter of knowing there will be some work to do if you buy this bucket. Other than that it is large, light, and I actually do like it. I'm going to work it.
  3. I just ordered a pair of the gloves off ebay you guys described above. This is the only piece I need for my build. If you come up with another source like your friend, Chris, Count me in!
  4. Thanks for this tip you guys!! I just bought a pair of two of these clips from the Bay for $8.00. Things like this are a huge help. I have my SC armor on the way and am in the process of gathering parts for all of it. Thanks again!!!!
  5. Does he have them in stock now??
  6. Edwin, Sorry to hear about your stuff man. If you have the suit already, a good place to get the suede parts that isn't expensive is Tandy Leather. They are very fast to deliver also. It's the thin pig suede. I paid something like 14 bucks for a hide and there are plenty of resources on here to figure out how to get the stuff cut and sewn. Good luck man, and I hope it all works out for you. -Paul
  7. I got the suede today from Tandy. It's perfect. get the thin stuff, it comes in 7sq.ft. hides. It's inexpensive and they were quick.
  8. This is excellent! I'm really enjoying the build. Can't wait to see the finished product. Great tip on the epoxy material too. I'm sure that will come in handy. Thanks Barry.
  9. I am very interested in these parts! How do I get them?? I have a KS helmet on the way and have since learned it's going to need some modifications. This being one of them. Any information would be awesome!!! Thanks guys. -Paul
  10. Ryan, thanks for the link man. I just ordered mine. Take care.
  11. There's a scene in the movie ROTJ when Han and the team are taking over the field generator to take it out of commission, they actually ambush a biker scout. His back is to the camera and you can see the flap perfectly.
  12. Ouch! Patrick, thanks for the hints man! LOL! I appreciate that and the good information too. I am in that phase of my build right now, so I want to get it right.
  13. Hey guys, Just wanted to drop a line on this thread about the Tedsmilitary flight suit. I ordered and received mine. It is FULL of pockets! The thigh pockets are sewn into the seam of the leg which makes it very difficult to seam rip and remove the pockets themselves. There is also a small pocket for a pen which has a snap on the right thight. This snap would need to be removed thus having to patch the hole. This suit will take some work to get it right due to how it is constructed. I am going to work on it, but may be buying the Redkap suit and doing a comparison. I have heard that suit has only four pockets. Just a heads up to anyone thinking about purchasing that suit! Take care guys!! -Paul
  14. 4505Marcel, thanks so much. That is a huge help and I appreciate it! Going to be buying the cumerbund this week!
  15. Thanks! I bought another pair from JC Whitney for the time being, but will check back with SA on occassion. His are the best I have seen so far.
  16. I found a picture of the riding patch pattern in the gallery. Still unsure about the elastic straps and what this should look like! Thanks again guys.
  17. Hey guys, My flight suit will be here in a day or two. I am going to purchase the suede today. Can anyone direct me to a good source for measurements of the riding patches, what they should look like and how they should be cut? I am also wondering about the elastic thigh bands. What are they and what do they look like? I bought the Tedsmilitary flight suit, we'll see how that goes! Thanks everyone!! -Paul
  18. This thread was perfect! Answered all my questions about this. Thanks guys!
  19. Ordered a KS helmet a couple weeks ago and am now hoping I won't be sorry for that. I do need a larger helmet so this seemed like the right option.
  20. Sitharmour is out of gloves! I am on the hunt for a pair of larges. Does anyone have any information on a pair that is comparable?
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