Hello out there !
I found a great comparision of different armor kits in the archive. And a lot of people are posting their new kits here and show how they build up the whole armor. So i think it would be cool to collect pictures of their sets to see what they really got when they bought their kit and to see the differences between availiable kits. So you are all invited to make a picture of your new kit (maybe trimmed) and post it here so we can have a new comparision here. I hope to see some armor from KS, MC, SC, Armor depot, moviefx, starfortress and everything else. If this will happen everybody can look for himself which armor he likes most or has the most accurate form. I dont want any discussion about the maker of the armor. Just place a picture here with the armor and a measurement for reference. Hopefully it will work out. And maybe we can make a comparision of the helmets as well. I am thinking about buying some components from one maker and some from a nother and build me an armor as i liked it most.