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501st Legion Member
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Everything posted by Kaltblutfreak

  1. Awesome build and very good documentation. That will help me alot. Thanks. And good luck with your approval !
  2. It looks like the pouches have a second piece of top cover which is attached to the cummerbund. Sorry but i cant explain it better. Its just an area of right above the pouches like another piece of fabric tah is attached on the cummerbund and the lower part attached to the pouches.
  3. Bought an SC V2 helmet right now. And an MLC V3 too. Couldnt make a decission which one will be better. And right after me paying i saw that scarcasm is selling his complete Scout Outfit. Damn i would have bought it but now i am out of funds. So i think i will buy a SC Armor when everything is good with the helmet
  4. Happy to start building my costume.

  5. I ordered one today thanks to the fast response of Jeff. Since i couldnt really make a decision i bought a MLC V3 too. So i have to build both when they arive but i still got no armor. Stupid me
  6. I know that i have to paint all parts when i start mixing up armor parts. But i dont like the monstrous backpack of KS and i dont really like the shape of the bizeps parts of MC and the rest of SC looks great but i am indifferent with these too. So i hoped some one would like to post his armor and everybody can make themself an opinion. Currently i have most of armor pics availiable in the net or sent to me personnally from the maker of the armor. Some havent replied to me until now but i can wait But as long as you dont have any measures near the parts you wont be able if some parts are big or small. I think i would buy me myself an armor from any known maker of armor but my wife would kill me or ii have to sell my drafthorse to get enough money what would cause my wife to kill me too
  7. I am still waiting for an answer from mc . Hopefully i will get one so i can order it. But nonetheless it will be very interesting to see them all compared
  8. Hello out there ! I found a great comparision of different armor kits in the archive. And a lot of people are posting their new kits here and show how they build up the whole armor. So i think it would be cool to collect pictures of their sets to see what they really got when they bought their kit and to see the differences between availiable kits. So you are all invited to make a picture of your new kit (maybe trimmed) and post it here so we can have a new comparision here. I hope to see some armor from KS, MC, SC, Armor depot, moviefx, starfortress and everything else. If this will happen everybody can look for himself which armor he likes most or has the most accurate form. I dont want any discussion about the maker of the armor. Just place a picture here with the armor and a measurement for reference. Hopefully it will work out. And maybe we can make a comparision of the helmets as well. I am thinking about buying some components from one maker and some from a nother and build me an armor as i liked it most.
  9. OK. I will buy one. Hope they ship to germany.
  10. Ok. So i too think its a great job done. Hopefully i will get to know how much i must pay and when i can buy it. Also looking for other good helmets.
  11. Then i will leave it where it is and wait for answersmto my mails from MC and SC
  12. Anyone ever heard about armor-depot.com. Is it somebody from the bsn selling its work ? They sell hips armor and the helm is a resin / ABS mixture. And they claim to have the most accurate knee caps. So all their prizes are low i just wanted to know if anybody can tell me more about it.
  13. Just another noob question...... Shouldnt there be 8 deeper sections on the right sight on the back of the helmet ?
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