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Everything posted by Kaltblutfreak

  1. Separate vest and suit is right in my opinion too.
  2. Thats the wrong fishhook decal. Sorry.
  3. Congratulations. I am still waiting for my MC Armor. Got the MLC Helmet first and only have to put the decals and snout on it
  4. I understand. I think the elastic starts right between the legs. So it works and i think i will use the idea with my codpiece. I will try a piece of thick rubber instead the styrene piece. It is more flexible and can also be hard enough to keep the shape. And it is easier for me to cut the shape out of a block then heat and form plastics.
  5. Great Idea. I fear its not very comfortable closing your legs. Did you try to walk with it ?
  6. Like i pmed before i would like one too.
  7. If you need pictures of my helmet send me pm with the angles i have to photograph. I will send them to you then. No Problem. I am glad if i can help.
  8. Hi Jeff. I wondered but this was what i got. I know Pandas Thread and currently i am trying to get some of the heating irons he used. Maybe i will get it back in shape. For the holes i think i have hit some good spot. Still a lot of work to do with the helmet but i think it is worth every minute. I am short of time so its a slow but sure build. The gap between dome and back is filled with the silicone right know. Looks great.
  9. When i got mine and was able to finish the SC i can post some. But there are new Problems coming along my build. I have to press the left side of the backpart more to the outside cause its beveled. You can see it here and from the inside it looks like this its about 2cm difference. This space i need to get the helmet on. So it would be nice if i got it fixed. Maybe with heat ? The other Problem is that i have to find the right spot for the holes to put all parts together. There are no markings where i have to drill. So at the moment the helmet looks like this or this And from the back you can see the 2cm gap also. Look here So you see that there is still a lot of work waiting for me.
  10. My wife has seen the gab when i presented her the helmet that i taped together to show it to her. When i turned around and looked a little bit up in the air. So i will try to sand it a little bit down on the inside where the parts are glued together and make new fotos then. I will connect the parts with 1mm double sided adhesive tape and see how it fits then. If the gap then is just 1 mm i know its from the tape and everything will be perfect. I will do my very best.
  11. Correct. The "center back" leaves a gap of about 2mm between its edge and the rising of the dome if pressed together slightly. its like the back needs about 1 to 2 mm more "edge" to get closer to line up with the dome. In the last picture you can see that i pressed the parts together fitting 100%. On the outside it will look then like picture 1 where the little gap occured. If i make the back line up with the dome then there will be a gap in the inside of the helm and the dome is no longer 90 degrees from the back. I think i should glue them together withthe smalest gap possible and then fill the gap like you adviced me to do.
  12. So i got this brand new helmet from SC and his instructions too, but i am not able to make it right. It is my first helmet and my first build so i am 100% making a mistake here. I asked allready e-i via pm and he told that i only have to push up the dome a little bit more. Its all about a small gap between back and dome. I havent glued, sanded or cut anything. I just tried to put the parts together. But pictures will explain my problem a little bit better i think. So here are the pictures so you can better see what i mean Worst is the worst case i am able to put the pieces together and best the best case. The inside is looking like this So what i am doing wrong ? Never cut or sanded any of the pieces. Just trying to put them together in the right way. Will it help if i heat the pieces up to bring them into the right form ? Sorry for my bad english but i dont know how else i can explain my problem. . So please help. Maybe some of you had the same effect and since he has build x helmets knows exactly what to do. I am a little bit stuck here. Greets Sascha
  13. I got my kit today and unpacked it. Everything looks great to me since its my first helmet. I need instructions to build it right and not cut away to much but i will send Jeff a PM with it. For the decals i must say that they look not very nice. Hope to get an updated Version there too. But mostly i am missing the chin-cup. Has anybody received one with the kit ? Currently i am making some photos so everybody can see what i got if this will be OK for Jeff to be seen here.
  14. Allright. I think i will order NO 2 then. For the sole i think i will remove the dots and make it plain.
  15. Hi. I am from germany and it seems not to be easy to find the right vinyl for the boots. I searched and finally found three possible good materials. Since the description of the material is in german i only ask for advice in color and texture. Please tell me which one you would choose to build a good pair of boots. 1) http://www.polsterei...ona-weiss/a-23/ 2) http://www.polsterei...1021-1-2/a-659/ 3) http://www.polsterei...-1021-1-2/a-61/ The first is thin only 1,1mm the second the thickest with 1,4mm and the third has 1,25 mm. The first ist mostly used in medical builds. The second is resistant against almost everything and the third has good tensile strength. The boots i use can be seen here So i think the most competent biker boot builders are found at bsn i post this question here. Thanks.
  16. My helmet is at the german customs. I think i can take it from there in the next few days.
  17. The gloves are great. My package was delivered today after only 7 days and i dont have to pay customs. And what i got is a good fitting pair of well made gloves. Thanks SA !
  18. If the leather starts to get hard it may has been washed but not re-greased after cleaning. Take it to a laundry and ask if they can repair them.
  19. PM sent
  20. So i am able to compare KS, SC and MC Armor now since all of them have send me pictures of their armor. Prices vary widely. The highest price comes with MC then SC and then KS. But there is no package with the parts you need for harnessing. If you order a complete harnessed armor at KS it will cost more then the MC. The most differences i see is in the belt. KS and MC have a one piece belt and SC a three part one. Next difference between is that youu have to order a resin upgrade kit with the MC else greeblis, T bits and tank topper seem to be ABS too. All arm parts are different too. The shoulder is longest with SC then KS and MC having the shortest. The bizeps Part of KS is the shortest and very round. The SC is a little bit longer but not curved on the lower part. MC with the longest parts also round at the bottom like KS. The forearmguards of MC and SC look similar but SC is more round and MC straight lined. KS guards are a mixture of both but top and bottom look to have nearly the same length. The tank of KS and MC seem to have the same size and form. The MC seems to be a little bit longer. The SC tank seems to be the smallest but looks like the same length then the MC. Side Packs of KS seem gigantic compared to the MC ones. SC is in between them in size. Best looking TD is the MC then KS and the SC seems to be a little bit too small for the greeblies. Holsters are all different too. Front plate is KS widest then MC then SC i think, with SC having the longest shoulder parts. Backparts are in size like the front but every one has a slightly different form for the tank. The part where the tank will be put on is formed like the tank at SC. KS has only a hightened line on the bottom of the plate. And MC a hightened bottom line and hightened tank piece. So for me (my 2 cent) i like the mc most and then SC and at least KS. Since mfx never realy send me good pics for comparision and i wont go for SF and cant say anything to armor-depot too, i think i will order a SC armor when i am ready with the helmets. Or a MC if i can afford it and have the patience to wait at least 14 weeks before they would be delivered.
  21. Happy you. I have to wait a little bit longer since it takes it time to come overseas.
  22. Congrats on becoming TB !
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