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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by SulacoBoy

  1. Congrats!
  2. Love how the gloves fit like a glove haha. Looking good Isaac.
  3. Looking great dude! Can't wait till we troop together!
  4. Love that! I have foam inside my pouches. Need to do that.
  5. Looking good bro. Can't wait to see it repainted. The snout is to glossy.
  6. Nice gloves!
  7. Looking good bro!
  8. Woot! Can't wait to see more updates!
  9. I need to make a Shadow Scout also!
  10. She ain't about that Pathfinder life. Right boys?
  11. Looking great!
  12. Awesome job!
  13. Woot! Can't wait to see more progress pics.
  14. DVH makes some really good ones.
  15. I might upgrade to a CB in the future. I have a SC and it is way to small for my head... And I wear glasses also.
  16. Thank you!
  17. Nice I will do that this weekend.
  18. Just want to say thank you to everyone that helped me get this far especially pandatrooper! My scout build is pretty much done other then upgrade on my boots. (Marcel) It's been a long road and its almost done! Btw I'm a short trooper Ayyyy
  19. Awesome dude!!
  20. Awesome!
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