I have already made the faceplate and visor, the helmet really needs to be made in three separate sections, This will be my 4th biker scout helmet build of which two failed.
I have modded the pep file quite a lot in pepakura designer and also made extra parts that were excluded from the original file.
I have scanned my templates as you will see in the images above. if printed print off as A4 as that is the size i scanned them.
You can also see my third attempt in a few of the images i spent about 6 months building it, the visor is the only part that is ABS the faceplate and main dome are all pepakura, the reason I am doing another build is,
One: to document the whole process from start to finish.
Two: so I can create bucks to make casts from.
This will be quite a lengthy process but not half as long as it took for the first 3 as i have ironed out most of the bugs and know what parts nee major modifications, this time i will make the visor from scratch which needs to be resized already. if you need the file i used shoot me a message and i will email it to you.
Thanks for looking.
Troop on!