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501st Pathfinder
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XoreX last won the day on August 16 2022

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About XoreX

  • Birthday 11/13/1971

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Great White North (Canada)
  • Interests
    I'm a big Star Wars fan, have been since New hope came out in '77 (it was the first movie I saw in a theater). I enjoy RPG (table-top and others). Love racing (Formula 1), I race myself (Time attack with a Lotus Elise).

501st Information

  • Name
    Jean-Sebastien (call me JS)
  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    Capital City Garrison
  • 501st Profile Page
  • Approved Pathfinder Kits
    Scout Trooper: ROTJ

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  1. Hi all OMG, finally. When I got my TB approved years back, I fought tooth and nail telling my GML that the scout had some sort of neck seal and that I did not find any proof of the mandarin collar in the movie, even in photos. Thanks for the great work, its always nice to see people paying attention and setting it straight. It shows the community is alive and well, and not just saying this is how we always did it, so this is how it will stay. thanks TB-1235
  2. Got my bag today Hope it's the right one. All I need is the belt, a speaker for sound (maybe) and a "baby Yoda".
  3. Quick question about weathering I have a TD (waiting to be approved) and I weathered it using the acrylic method (dab with paint, wait a bit then rub off with damp cloth). I was looking at the type of weathering on those scouts and it looks more like either sand of dirt, well looks like a "dry" dirty. I was wondering, would the acrylic method be accepted, even though it looks more like "mud/wet" weathering? If it's not acceptable, what method should be used to mimic the dust look? Thanjs
  4. Hi all I was wondering what color would/should the bag be? Also, how would you attach the canvas belt to the bag? Thanks
  5. I understand, thanks for clarifying. I hope they make a CRL or at least have it accepted, since I want to make one.
  6. If you look at it, as a rider's point of view, the upside down knees seem more logical than the other way around. Having the long part of the knee pad covering the area the thigh and the knee join and the short part covering the actual knee. Try it, put on both knee pad, one upside down, the other "right side" up and sit like you would on a speeder bike. or if none are available, try a motorcycle (anyway you get the idea) and check which one fells the most comfortable and/or the most logical fit. I tried it, and the upside down one felt more comfortable. Anyway, my 2 cents.
  7. The way I see it, was to show how sloppy the TBs got after the fall of the Empire. In my opinion they should be canon, since they were in an official LF release. They should not get their own CRL but have it as an option on the current CRL.
  8. Wow, amazing WIP.....Can't wait to see the helmet mods.
  9. My god, how did I ever make that mistake...hehehe...Yes I did mean suede
  10. Hi there all, Up loaded the pics through photobucket...hope you can see them now... Yes I know, I will be adding the velvet to the appropriate fingers/thumb. But these are "place holders" until I can find some that are accurate, like SA or SC (heard they were looking to see if they can do a decent run of those) Well I'm looking to get feedback and see if these could be acceptable in the meantime. thanks JS
  11. Hi all, I have these gloves and was wondering what you think. These are of course until I can get my hands on some Lancer leveled ones. Here are some pics. Of course the straps will be removed Also, if someone is starting a run of gloves that would be Lancer spec, please let me know. thanks for your feedback JS
  12. Hey gang, me again, I found these knee pads and I was thinking of using as padding for my bucket, what do you guys think? http://www.leevalley.com/en/garden/page.aspx?cat=2,42407&p=55646 look at the bottom of the page. thanks for your input JS PS: I'm pretty sure Leevalley ships anywhere, if you might be interested.
  13. This looks sooooooo sweet
  14. Hi gang, Me and my wife were shopping at this store in Ottawa (Lee Valley tools) and found out they carry rare earth magnets. You know what some people use to secure their pistols in their holster. And I was happy to find out they have a web site: www.leevalley.com for the US and international www.leevalleytools.ca for Canada Do a search for rare earth magnet and you'll find things like this: 50 piece magnet sampler - abit under 20$ 15 of 1/8" diameter x 1/8" thick rod magnet 8 of 1/4" diameter x 1/4" thick rod magnet 2 of 1/4" diameter x 1/2" thick rod magnet 1 of 1/4" diameter x 1" thick rod magnet 8 of 1/4" diameter x 1/10" thick circular magnet 8 of 3/8" diameter x 1/10" thick circular magnet 8 of 1/2" diameter x 1/8" thick circular magnet. and Rare-earth circular magnet, with prices ranging from 0.35$ for a single 1/4 inch magnet to about 13$ for a pack of 5 1 inch magnets. Well hope this helps you guys with your pistol/holster issues Thanks JS
  15. Hi again, I was wondering if anyone can either post pictures or tell me what the difference is between all the different helmets out there. Like the difference between the KS, the MLC and the others. Thanks again for your help JS
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