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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Scarcasm

  1. Same size meat head as me KS was the one I found comfortable (plenty big enough with an adjustable lid liner in). LW would also have fit nicely
  2. Hey Chris, looking good Scout! I know that things are run slightly different across the pond but personally i'd get a popper or Two on the top of your bund and attach on the underside of your chest armour to ensure that there is no gap. And get a popper on your shoulder bell, it will stop it sticking up. Jumpsuit might benefit from being taken in a tad too as it looks baggy. What do you have in your pouches? I have my amp in mine and some foam in to help keep the shape (hollowed out for your car keys, wallet, cell, sweets etc). Minor things though mate ^ just things you will probably get round to doing once you're out there trooping.
  3. Being picky i'd say no. The decals are incorrect ( at least mine were) and the earcaps are ringed in Black, the snout greeblie was also incorrect. Perhaps that's a garrison issue though and may well be clearable in your own. Very comfortable though + minor issues to fix.
  4. "It's all Work work work..."

  5. Yep, totally agree. I bought a set of replacement bolt's from Geoff last year then promptly mislaid them somewhere during my garage build. They've since resurfaced & I debadged my lid last night in prep. Trooper bay Decals also Inc. Paint'll be on next week. Cheers fella's!
  6. Alrighty then, thanks fellas.
  7. Hi Folks I bought & am currently using a KS bucket, no problems as such, it's light looks nice & is comfy. My only issue with it is the colour, it looks anemic compared to my armour. So i'll be painting it. What decal set did fellow KS owners use as LW's set appear to be too big. Are Trooper Bay ones the right size? Thanks in advance fellow Scouts!
  8. I especially love this blatant lie line.
  9. Nice one Jason, look forward to seeing your build come together.
  10. Yours? Did Jules sell it on, surely not....
  11. We'll have a toast for you Griff - I owe you a few We're hoping that Lee's Scout will be done it time for Legoland too Jules, so should be a good turn out.
  12. Really coming together Jules, can't wait to see it in action. Beer for you at Legoland
  13. Looking good Rob!
  14. I didn't mark it up Jules, LW did. Looking Good
  15. Damn shame....that it's not coming to the UK. It Looks superb.
  16. Bluetack should work fine Jules
  17. Thanks Folks. This should be handy for Lee & our dyeing attempt's.
  18. Hell yeah! Get some cellotape & you're nearly there! I'm sure it'll look superb Jules.
  19. Neil was the the one on Ebay that went for not very much at all recently?
  20. Congratulations Marcel ! /cheer
  21. Hi Rob All you need to know about them is in the other thread fella Check the link & see for yourself. http://myworld.ebay.com/sitharmor/ They're great gloves, that are as near as dammit, cheap (compared to what you're about to spend out) too - so good in fact that I use them on my bike regularly. if only the rest of the kit was as painless to get
  22. I've trialled using my Hockey Goalie Bag & it works just fine.
  23. Thanks Jenn, that's kind of you. Must be an odd sizing lol. Kudos to you. I sold it though & bought a Fibreglass set, as t was too much work for me. Heard this week I got my Clearance too Just waiting on a Designation now.
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