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501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by Nicole

  1. Awesome, thank you so much!! I know there is a tutorial on how to assemble the KS lid and armor, I'm on my phone so I'm having problems searching... Do you know if it's still up or even useful?
  2. Hello everyone! I just had a few armor questions I wanted to ask. In about 3 weeks I should be getting my helmet and armor (both KS kits), and I was hoping to get a few questions answered while I wait. I've tried to find the answers and have read some conflicting and different answers, so hopefully you guys can point me in the right direction and clear some things up for me. =] My first question is what to use to attach the armor to yourself. I'm going to be using velcro on the back side of various armor pieces and sew some into the flight suit, but what kind of band/elastic do I use to hold it around my arm/leg? I've read a few different things that people say to use, so if anyone has a personal recommendation that would be great. The other question I had was about cutting down the armor to fit me. I know when I get the armor kit I'm going to have to dremmel/cut the armor down extensively to be porportionate to my size (about 5'1" and a girl lol). So my question is, if I cut off a lot will I not be able to be validated? I know I'm going to have to take off several inches all around on certain pieces like the chest piece, so I'll probably be cropping out a lot of detail. Is this going to be a problem? As I run into issues and have questions I'll probably post them here, so thank you in advance for putting up with my noobness!!
  3. I'd rather E600 it actually, thanks for that awesome tid bit! I can sew enough to sew the Velcro to the flightsuit, so I'm not worried about that. I'm worried about putting the actual armor itself together lol
  4. Hahaha Witness you're too funny =P And I decided to have it go up higher than lower just in case, and do the whole Velcro thing. Can you guys answer a velcro question? When I start to use Velcro to attach the armor to the flight suit, do I use sticky back/glue-on Velcro on the armor, and sew the Velcro to the fabric?
  5. Thanks you two, you answered my question. I wasn't sure how far up it had to go! =] Now I can get it ordered with the correct measurements.
  6. So it really needs to go up pretty high, and over your bust?
  7. Hey guys! I was wondering if one of you fellow female biker scouts could throw me a PM, because I have several questions about how the cumerbund should fit on me. I'm having LadySewForUs make me one, and while she gave great directions on how/where to measure myself, I need some more help from someone with experience. Thanks! Nicole
  8. *oops, edited for wrong board!
  9. Thanks so much guys! I had no idea how it was going to turn out, but now that I have my first real piece of my costume I'm getting super excited!
  10. Thanks so much guys =] My flight suit will be here next week (it was so hard to find a men's extra small) so I'm super excited to get things rolling!
  11. Ok guys, finished product... I know it's not perfect, but for my first ever piece of anything that I've ever tried to make I'm pretty happy with it =]
  12. I'm going to try to add some vinyl from the sides back to the heel like you did, so I won't have the big awkward flap on the front. Thanks for the advice, let's hope I can fix it tonight =]
  13. Luckily I haven't glued the calf piece down or anything, so I'll be able to do what you suggested. That's why I posted them so I could see how to do it from the experts ;]
  14. I thought I'd show a few pics of my first build ever to see what I can improve on. =] I did this tonight and tomorrow I'll be finishing them off. It's a size 5 men's hiking boot lol This is with the toes all glued down; I'm just letting them dry and tomorrow I'll pull the pins out and knife it down to the correct length and add the seam, etc. This is with the rough calf piece placed on top, I still have to glue it down and again cut it to the correct size/length. I still have to do the flap, but any help/criticism is welcome! =]I know there is still a lot of work to be done to them, but this is my first ever attempt at a costume of any sort.
  15. I'm going to be attempting my first pair tonight, and since so many seem to turn out as great as yours I'm hoping mine will too! They looks beastly =]
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