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501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by Nicole

  1. Hi guys - I couldn't find an exact/recommended width for the cotton loops that cover the shoulder attachments. Should it just be thick enough to cover the gap and look aesthetically pleasing, or is there a recommended width? Thanks!
  2. Hi everyone - I am remaking my boots from a few years ago and have some questions. In 2011 I followed the current pinned tutorial, but something went wrong with the adhesive; they quickly became a gooey mess. I used a typical hiking boot, and I also had problems with the calf area being unstable... Forget about riveting the holster to it! I want to remake my boots, but try a riding boot style shoe that goes up the calf, instead of a hiking boot. This way I can use the existing calf part of the boot to have more support. My questions are - what glue have you all had success with? I've seen a whole variety on the forum using search, but if I could get a recommendation as mine fell apart (possibly from heat) that would be great. Secondly, as mentioned above, I want to use a women's boot that goes up the calf for support when I add my material. Can I use a boot that has a slight heel? Also, if the boot has a black sole, is it possible to paint the sole to the correct gum color, with paint that will actually adhere and look good? And if so, what primer/paint would you recommend? Thanks everyone! PS - are either of these boot's soles approvable once material has been added? Boot #1 - Is the heel too high? Would it be possible to paint the sole the correct gum color to be approvable? http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001F9ZH12/ref=ox_sc_act_title_3?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=AOF8R8D8WZ0I4 Boot #2 - Color "Light Camel" - again, when covered with material, is the sole ok? http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00D6UVKXM/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=AOF8R8D8WZ0I4
  3. Yup, I know I know... When I had my scout completely finished except for the holster back in 2011, the suede and vest wasn't a requirement for approval lol. I had fun going to cons and casually trooping at non official events, so I got busy/lazy and just never got it done... But now I'm back, and I'm thrilled!
  4. Hi everyone - I'm wondering where the top of the cummerbund should sit on your chest. I don't yet have my flak vest, and I am currently wondering if you should or shouldn't have the white of the cummerbund showing with the chest armor on. I have a cummerbund from about 4 years ago, but I'm going to get a new one made that fits my current measurements better. I feel like my current 'bund is too long for my torso; I'm only about 5'3" and 125 pounds... For women, should the top of the 'bund sit under the breasts? When I find a new vender to order from, I want to get an idea how what length I should give them. Thanks guys!
  5. Thanks for all the info! My dad is an aerospace engineer so he has been the mastermind of all the technical parts lol... I have 3 midterm exams Wednesday (boo college) so I won't be starting on his until Wednesday or Thursday night... But I looked at it this weekend and realized I was lost lol. Hopefully I can pool together all this info and figure it out =\
  6. I love this place, thank you guys sooooo much for jumping in and helping me!! You're all amazing <3 if anyone does have those SC directions that'd be amazing lol
  7. Ugg... This is going to completely hault my build. Everything but the TD will be done by tomorrow =\ is there an alternative, such as building it myself or finding substitute pieces at a hardware store?
  8. The problem is that KS is really hard to get a hold of... I've been waiting over a week to hear back from them =\
  9. Below is literally all I received from my KS armor kit for my TD: I was wondering if I'm suppposed to buy all the other parts, and how I am supposed to build this stupid thing? Sorry I don't know anything about how to make it lol... But I'm completely stopped at this point since I'm lost on its construction. Thanks guys!! Nicole <3
  10. Despite extensive searching, I cannot find anywhere that has explicit instrucitons on how to harness each piece of armor. I have an idea of what to do, but I was wondering if there is a set of instrucitons somewhere? I have the KS armor kit btw =] I have been trying to piece together in my head how each piece gets the straps attached to it, but I havn't been able to come up with anything, so i thoghut I'd ask. Also, I've heard a lot of debate about cotton vs. nylon... From what i have read some pieces are nylon, some are cotton... And it's a bit confusing for a new person like me =P Any info you guys could help me out with would be very much appreciated!
  11. Wow Kelly you look awesme! I'm only about 5'2" so I feel a lot better about it looking proportionate on me lol... I'm sure you understand what I meant by it loking huge. Holding it up to myself in normal clothes made it feel giant.
  12. I am looking to purchase this as well, and I have had several people tell me to go with the 10 because it is smaller. It would be impossible to hide the 16 watt on your armor lol... With the 10 I hear you can stick it under your chest piece or somewhere like that instead of in your pouch (which you might have to with a larger one). And personally, I think it would be pretty weird having your voice come from your belt
  13. I looked through that thread and I didnt see anything... I wish there was like an amazon listing that j could buy, like a small piece of tinted acrylic =P looks like I'll just wait for KS to respond. They accidentally gave me two of the baggies with decals and mesh for the ears instead of the one decal bag and the visor! lol
  14. Is the KS lense good? I want it to be really dark lol... But I still want to be able to see =P where did you get your lense from? I might want to get a different one because it always takes several days to hear from KS and I want to get it done lol
  15. I actually talk to her via YouTube often, and she's helped me out with a lot of things! I was actually just looking at this video before you posted it, and it looks really good and proportionate on her. I think she might be a few inches taller than me, but I'm not sure if that makes a difference.
  16. Am I just out of luck regarding it looking big on me?
  17. I got my KS helmet kit yesterday, and today I started building it. (they accidentally left out the lens also so I'm going to have to wait for a response). So far I have everything smoothed down and I'm pretty much ready to glue everything down, but I want to wait for the lens. It's only duct taped together, but I can already tell this thing is huge! Which leads me to this: it looks giant on me. I'm hoping when I'm in full armor it won't make me look like I have a bobblehead, but I'm really worried about looking simply stupid. Since I'm assuming there is no way to scale it down smaller, I was just wondering if anyone knows any smaller scouts that it looks ok on? For reference my flightsuit is a kids medium! lol
  18. Kinda late on this, but I didn't know this was something needed for the costume. Can anyone tell me if this is required? lol
  19. Sorry guys I'm on my iPhone at work posting this; I meant to say 'or is an exacto knife' instead of iSight or whatever came up lol =]
  20. As many of you know, before the end of the week I should have my KS helmet and armor kit. I'm obviously going to have to hack it down to fit a 5'2" girl, so I was wondering if anyone has experience and can tell me if a dremmel is the way to go, or iSight an exacto knife and sanding it, or some other way? I have Jeni's tutorial to use as a guide, but I'm looking for some clarity because I'm worried to alter the armor! My 2nd question is about using a heat gun. On the chest piece and forearm pieces I know I'm going to have to heat it up and mold it to fit me, but I heard there is a huge warping possibility... So I'm worried of bending it too much or actually melting it. Again just looking for some clarity or pro tips. If anyone can help me out I would appreciate it so much!!
  21. Thanks for the info Witness, my KS helmet and armor kit will be here Friday, and I've nevertried anything like this before so I'm really worried!
  22. Thanks guys! And a note about the heatgun: for some pieces like the forearm I know I'm going to need to heat it up a little to bend it around me arm; should I do it little by little to avoid over-warping? I don't think people realize how small I am and how much I'm going to need to scale the armor down lol. Let's just say my flightsuit is a child's medium... Hahah
  23. Hello again fellow scouts =] I had sone questions about where to start when I get my armor. In about a week my KS helmet/armor kit will arrive, and I have no doubt I'll dump it on the floor and stare at it with no idea where to begin. Since I'm going to literally dremmle/sand everything down extensively to be be proportionate to my size, I was wondering if anyone might have some suggestions about which pieces to start first, etc. Any advice would be much appreciated!
  24. From what I hear it's somewhat easy to put together. I've never tried to build anything like it before, but based on what a few poeple told me it's do-able; in a few weeks I'll be getting mine, and according to several friends it's just a few hours of work and not too hard. =] There's also a build thread on how to do it step by step floating around somewhere. Several people who have built it form the kit have told me it's not too bad.
  25. How long did he KS helmet take you to assemble?
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