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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Sentinel

  1. EDIT: Jason, to recieve PM's you have to go to the My Controls, then Board Settings then change the PM Blocker to No. Just wondering also if the replacement part that I screwed up has been sent. I feel like an idiot for screwing up.
  2. The new size bell looks really good. The knee pads look really good too. Keep up the awesome work!
  3. Hey pghfett, I was wondering where you got the visor, the pics aren't working for me. Thanks, Phil
  4. I think I'll stick with the sticker. less work for me. I've gotten a lot done today, and now it's ready for it's first coat of primer.
  5. Just got my BARC Helmet kit today Jason! It looks great! A few imperfections but easily workable. Looks like it's gonna be a lotta work, but I'm up to the challenge. Thanks again!!!! Also, isn't the visor supposed to have a hole through it? Or is that a sticker?
  6. Awesome, cannot wait.
  7. It was a one time thing. The guy on clonetroopers.net was trying to get rid of it, and he took my offer.
  8. Hey Jason, were you able to cast this weekend?
  9. Oops, double post.
  10. All for the low price of $75, the only bad thing: Solid Resin (pretty heavy) I figured this was the first step in the process, since the first step in putting my scout together was the pistol...now I've got the rifle. Very Nice!
  11. OMG! THAT LOOKS AWESOME! Can't wait to get the helmet as well as some of that armor.
  12. Woohoo, my internet tries to fail, but yet I overcome. Can't wait to get it and get started, thanks Jason!
  13. Paypal Sent, I hope I was the first.
  14. Is this still available? I can paypal immediatly.
  15. Anticipation...just like the ketchup commercial...can't wait.
  16. What's the black piece for? I know it's a stupid question, but just wonderin...Looking great! Keep it up.
  17. Well considering that the front and backplate are different. The chest is just one flat piece with the standard ridge in the middle, and the backplate's tank piece is higher up than the scout. The cumberbund wouldn't be usable considering that the BARC doesn't have a cumberbund, but a corset/girdle type thing. New belt boxes and waist boxes would be needed. And obviously a codpiece or soft codpiece would be needed. The boots are probably the most different. Armor on top of the boot is needed, and armor on the top of the boot is also needed, and no boot pistol holder.
  18. http://clonetroopers.net/Forum/index.php?showtopic=4134 Could these be possible choices?
  19. I was just wondrin, me and my nosey self...thanks for the clarification. Could you PM how much a kit would cost ordinarily?
  20. Hey Jason, I saw that you were selling a kit on eBay, any chance that these will be available through members here, or do we have to bid on them? Just asking...
  21. I could see a soft part being used, but it'd have to be pretty thick.
  22. Yeah, having a flappy cod piece would be kinda silly. Maybe if you sew some velcro to the undersuit, you could keep the codpiece in place without it being too uncomfortable.
  23. From this pic it looks like it's just a solid piece that is somehow attached so it doesn't move readily.
  24. I think that it's a solid cod piece, attached to the lower belt. I also think that the "cumberbund" isn't a cumberbund at all, it's more of a girdle. A stiff fabric that holds the boxes on with help from the two belts.
  25. That looks great...far surpasses what I thought imaginable.
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