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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Tom_in_AZ

  1. Glad my drawing is helping you out. It has been a long time, and I just came back on here looking for it myself. I recently lost a lot of weight, and am in need to make a new one ASAP. Tom
  2. I've worked with both flight suits.... Tru-Spec is the winner hands down. It is simple to modify, and can be done within an hour or so All you need is a seem ripper to remove the pockets on the legs and arms, and to sew on two flaps to make the mandarin collar and to hide your skin behind it. The RothCo had issues where the double stitching on the legs needed to be separated in order for the proper removal of the leg pockets. Not many people have access to the correct sewing machine to fix double stitched seams like that and it cost me an extra $15 at the seamstress to get it done. The only other slight suit that is a super fast mod is the one from Speedway Motors. This only thing noted about it is that it is a very heavy weight suit. I bought one to use it for trooping in cold weather (such as the Fiesta Bowl Parade on New Years Day). This one has a few sew on patches on it that get removed and you are DONE as the mandarin collar is built in! You might want to install a small flap of fabric behind the collar to hide any skin if it shows.
  3. I worry about the whole ABS glue idea, as I nearly melted things like time I tried it. Thanks for the suggestions so far, it does give some food for thought.
  4. Thanks, I'll look into it. I do have some fiberglass and resin here, and that could be a start. Do you think that you could post a couple of pics showing the repair? Going to PM you BTW.
  5. Anyone have an idea on how to stop the chest plate from cracking without making it look really bad? It is cracking right in the center at the top of the indentation. I do not have any extra plastic that matches on hand, but was thinking of gluing some sintra on the back and hope for the best. My only other choice if it gets bad would be to order a new chest and back plate with tank, but if I do I might seek it out from someone other than MC. MC's stuff is awesome! Don't get me wrong, and I am not complaining, just that I always thought it might be a little small for my large frame (6'1" & 280lbs) and I've had major problems with the cummerbund due to it. Thanks in advance, Tom
  6. I was OUT COLD! I wanted to be there so bad. My wife was ready to sport her 501st ISO gear, and I was going to wear my TB or drive my MSE-6. Even the boys (7 & 13yrs old were out cold till almost 11am). Next year we will march with you all, our room is already booked at the Hyatt for $175 a night. So see you there. Tom
  7. I picked up some faux swade 2 days ago at Joann's. It is on sale 50% off until Saturday. Duct cloth is also on sale, I think 30% off.
  8. Wow, didn't even realize there was this item on the setup.
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