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501st Legion Member
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Everything posted by Bikercop

  1. Paypal deposit sent for armour kit. Cheers Tim
  2. This looks amazing. Excellent work. Gives me inspiration to get on with mine. x
  3. Well done buddy Another from the UKG..xx
  4. Welcome to the gang..xx
  5. Hi, can ya put me on the list for a set of armour please. Can ya PM some details/prices etc. Cheers xx
  6. Absolutely fantastic news. Cheers to all the Command team for their help and advice throughout this process. The resources on this site are great and have helped me no end. xx Ya cant beat being a biker boy. We dont like wooden arrows and jumped up teddy bears but we sure look good..xx Photo on its way to madphisto. x
  7. Heres the new blaster for your perusal..xx Cheers x
  8. Hi, Adjusted the shoulder straps. Dropped em back an inch and pulled in the fastenings. Have included some TD and blaster shots too. Cheers for comments and advice guys........fingers crossed now...xx
  9. will adjust the shoulder straps to let it hang lower. Cheers xxx Heres the tank stripes and i re did the boots. Will repost rear armour pic after some tweaking.
  10. Would love to join the mighty ranks of the Lancers. Have a look and let me know. Cheers in advance..xx Full Shots Helmet Tank Topper and T Bits Soft Parts Boots Trooping and Helmet interor ME ON THE LEFT Cheers for looking. I know theres gonna be bits to change redo, but hey thats the fun..xxx Thanks to ya all
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